Possilpark Old photos wanted

Moderators: John, Sharon, Fossil, Lucky Poet, crusty_bint, Jazza, dazza

Possilpark Old photos wanted

Postby hirving95 » Fri May 31, 2019 3:41 pm

I was wodnering if anyone would be able to help me out. I am going into my last year at uni and I would like to base my project on growing up in Possilpark (Or posso), so I am looking to see if anyone had past or present pictures hidden away in a cupboard that you would allow me to use.

I would prefer personal photos and not just ones from google images. I am particulary looking for photos of:

Saracen street/Fruin Street/hawthron street etc
The old Keppochhill Nursery
The old Hawthron Primary/Saracen Primary
The park in "the jungle"
Any Photos that bring memories to people.

As well as this i would love for people to give me a wee paragraph about their memories of the place. I would like to create a scrap book like thing to bring a positive light to the area, with all the stick that it receives.

If anyone has anything like this it would be greatly appreciated, or if anyone could steer me in the right direction of where to look also that would be great.

Just settling in
Just settling in
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Joined: Fri May 31, 2019 3:27 pm

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