Boredom Thread: What stresses you out / pet hate.

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Boredom Thread: What stresses you out / pet hate.

Postby turbozutek » Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:52 am

Hi all!

In celebration of me being bored out my trumpet I've a question to ask the assembled masses!!

What stresses you out the most, day to day ?


What is your pet hate which is guaranteed to get you annoyed on a daily basis ?

I'm going to say work stresses me out the most, impossible deadlines, ignorant people and stupid incompetent managers.

There, now that I've summed up 99% of workplaces in the UK - over to you!


PS: Nobody say Boredom Threads !!!
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Postby Sharon » Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:57 am

My pet hates are much more petty than that!!!

Oh...and it could be a long long loooooooong list..

The worst one is noisy eating though (other peoples)...i HATE it really really HATE it, its a problem, and affects me every day. :cry:

or is thatmore of a neurosis?
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Postby turbozutek » Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:10 am

And people blowing gum into bubbles and popping it, right ?

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Postby Sharon » Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:12 am

hahahhaa...yeah...that registers very high on the scale!

oh..and noisy keyboards...Craig, you listening!!

tap tap tap BANG BANG BANG arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Postby DMcNay » Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:25 am

The idiots at my work who don't understand the most basic of instructions.

ME: Fill in line seven and press "enter".

THEM: So I'm filling in line seven?

ME: Yes. And then press "Enter"

THEM: So I press enter next?

ME: F*ck off.

I despair, I truly do......
Too few hours in the day.
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Postby turbozutek » Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:40 am

Yeah - that reminds me of our beloved users over here too Dr.

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Postby DMcNay » Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:50 am

People who talk about soaps as if they're real - that bugs me too.

"I can believe he would cheat on her" "Oh, I know. I would have thrown him out"


You can see I'm going to use this thread a lot to vent.... :twisted:

What else? Noisy eaters, as Sharon mentioned...

People who go for lunch at twelve, then come back to their desk at one and proceed to eat a shedload of sandwhiches, crisps and yoghurts. What did you do for the previous hour WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN EATING LUNCH?!? It's not a two hour lunch break, you know......

People who look out the window and say "Oh, it's raining". No sh*t, sherlock.

I hate my job.... :cry:
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Postby AMcD » Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:51 am

I don't have to answer support calls too often but when I do it's always the same pish....

They: "I did something, a message came up and now it won't work..."
Me: "What did the message say?"
They:"I dunno I just clicked ok."
Me:*bashes head off desk* 8O

I'm seriously considering introducing random obscene messages along with the error messages, so that they are insulted enough to phone and tell us the whole message. No point in having error messages if no-one reads them.
*On Error Resume Next*
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Postby DMcNay » Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:55 am

Yeah, customers can be fcuking idiots sometimes.

We occasionally have to request a customers annual accounts. So we send them a letter asking for accounts, as well as a questionnaire we require them to answer.

We almost always get the questionnaire back, but no accounts. Did they even read the letter we sent?

The funny thing is, if we don't get them we let their limit expire and we charge them. They then proceed to complain and we refund the charges EVEN THOUGH IT'S THEIR FAULT.

Of course, the staff here aren't much better. Did I tell you about the woman here who added seven and six and came up with seventeen?

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Postby DickyHart » Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:25 am

supervisors who will crap on anybody to get ahead, they don't deserve the job they are in ,and their social skills are virtually nil, and believe me in my job social skills are a basic requirement.

RANT OVER :evil:
Last edited by DickyHart on Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?
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Postby turbozutek » Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:44 am


I knew this would be a good subject for a thread!


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Postby skintobalinto » Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:43 pm

People who throw litter in the streets, there are plent of bins why can't they use them.
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Postby Bex Bissell » Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:22 pm

Bus drivers, taxi drivers, HGV drivers and all there murderous ways, disposing of bodies wrapped up in carpets littering the kerbside and an other thing about lorry drivers, in fact I've got quite a few pet hates about these dim witted good for nothing baw bags, has any one else noticed the amount of smut in motorway service stations and how many lorries are parked up during the day with the curtains closed, we know what your up to, we're onto you. Heres one for any lorry driver reading "YOUR LORRY CANT DO OVER 65 MPH SO GET OUT OF THE Ffff. OUTSIDE LANE YOU SHOWER OF! Ugghh. :x
Moving on, my Bissell getting clogged with someone elses hair thus resulting in it making a Ra ta ta ta ta thrump sound, then opening the bombay doors to discover my good parker pen I've been looking for for months wedged inside along with the 5p off a litre coupon I required before filling the old car up with petrolium distilate.
But most of all train drivers, sitting there demanding more money for even shorter shifts, god the nerve of some folk, they sit up there with the best seat in the house getting to play at train drivers, they have even taken away the old blue trains that had a clear glass window at the front, so you could keep an eye on the driver and the line up ahead, want everything to themselves. They even got rid of the old fella that stoked the fire by inventing diesel.
I am lead to believe that quite a few have drink issues aswell, not surprising, and someone told me some even own boats, BOATS, only the well healed own boats.
Come on joe public, wake up to Casey Jones and hit him where it hurts, his pocket, start taking the bus, oh crud! that means having to deal with the mealy mouthed bus drivers.
See what you've started.
Old Bex is away for a cold flannel to pop over his eyes and throbbing vein that has appeared at the side of his head.
You've not heard the end of this :wink:
Oh, the humanity!
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Postby turbozutek » Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:36 pm

But most of all train drivers, sitting there demanding more money for even shorter shifts, god the nerve of some folk, they sit up there with the best seat in the house getting to play at train drivers, they have even taken away the old blue trains that had a clear glass window at the front, so you could keep an eye on the driver and the line up ahead, want everything to themselves. They even got rid of the old fella that stoked the fire by inventing diesel.

I'm sure the G-Man will agree with you there about train drivers!!


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Postby Pgcc93 » Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:45 pm

turbozutek wrote:
But most of all train drivers, sitting there demanding more money for even shorter shifts, god the nerve of some folk, they sit up there with the best seat in the house getting to play at train drivers, they have even taken away the old blue trains that had a clear glass window at the front, so you could keep an eye on the driver and the line up ahead, want everything to themselves. They even got rid of the old fella that stoked the fire by inventing diesel.

I'm sure the G-Man will agree with you there about train drivers!!



Yeah! I totaly agree with all of the above. Hate them so I do :P
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