Most violent streets in Glasgow

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Most violent streets in Glasgow

Postby Mori » Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:57 pm

Things are getting from Bad to worse in todays society, walking the streets of Glasgow has never been so badly repoorted on as far as i can remember.

So much for trying to maintain the no mean city image. :x

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Postby Vladimir » Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:03 pm

I find this story even more shocking, are we really that dangerous a people?
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Postby wee lassie » Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:12 pm

I also wonder if the young girl was ok (or consulted even) to have her image used like that. The Evening Times making a nasty disfiguring scar look even more horrendous, maybe it sold a couple more papers.
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Postby Mori » Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:27 pm

Almost reminds me of the Clockwork Orange image

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Postby hazy » Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:42 pm

More beat Cops. Less Social workers. Also make parents responsible for the behaviour of these reprobates. Stop blaming teachers. :x
Thank you. And why not.
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Postby Strike Team » Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:41 pm

Vladimir wrote:

I find this story even more shocking, are we really that dangerous a people?

To my amazement I agree with Vladimir :D . I find the idea of labelling children as "potentially criminal" rather alarming. It may well turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. I guess it'll just mean more cushy taxpayer funded jobs for social worker types.

The gooberment seems to offer us every solution to crime under the sun except the one that works - jailing serious criminals for a very long time.

I was in the Western recently getting an abcess sorted. 2 nedettes fighting outside as I waited in A & E, more injured neds being treated inside under police supervision. After I was admitted I met one chap who'd had major surgery to fix multiple stab wounds, and another who was suffering dizzy spells and blurred vision after having his head jumped on in a gang attack. Glasgow's violence problem is getting really out of control. Where are "Hammer of the Neds" Chief Contable Percy Sillitoe and Lord Carmont when you need them?
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Postby Josef » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:00 pm

How about we take samples of the Redtops once every ten years and see if crime wasn't 'spiralling out of control' every single decade since the advent of newspapers (and before)? And if more hanging, flogging and jailing 'em as opposed to bleeding heart do-good-ism wasn't always the answer?
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Postby Dexter St. Clair » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:18 pm

I was loooking at some old Daily Records from 1957 recently and as usual got distracted from what i was supposed to be looking at. And of course times were violent then too. Shockingly violent in some cases. razors , bike chains and jack knives being used. And that was in the days of the death penalty and the under reporting of so called "domestic" and child abuse cases.
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Postby ramor69 » Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:22 am

Seeing these and other similar reports may encourage some
people to take off the rose-tinted glasses when it comes to
our beloved dear green place. :roll:
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Postby Alex Glass » Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:45 am

I agree with Dex on this one. I am not wearing rose tinted glasses.

There is a problem but we should compare the facts before getting carried away. We always hear that Glasgow is the worst for whatever but if you look to other large cities people there are told the same thing. There was a resent TV series about Britains Worst Streets. All large cities have the same problems. All are as bad as each other. Get some perspective before you start branding the city please.
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Postby Lanlad » Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:53 am

Manchester comes to mind. Look at the gun culture there.
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Postby tedmaul » Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:22 am

Glasgow - We're Not As Violent As Other Cities. Can't see that taking off as a marketing campaign.

What should alarm people is the level of crime in the city centre where the police have more tools, such as CCTV, at their disposal but are seemingly helpless or useless at preventing very serious crimes taking place there. If they cannae control Union Street, what chance a housing scheme on the periphery?

Central Station has been mentioned on here before as a place where a newcomer to the city could not be blamed for doing an immediate about-turn and jumping on the next train out of town.
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Postby LostSoul » Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:00 am

tedmaul wrote:Central Station has been mentioned on here before as a place where a newcomer to the city could not be blamed for doing an immediate about-turn and jumping on the next train out of town.

Isn't everyone missing one important point - is it not the case that most citites in the UK if not the world suffer a concentration of crime (including violent crime) in and around the central station area ?? It's hardly surprising given the amount of human traffic passing through such a place each day.

On one hand you have travellers and tourists getting their bags or wallets stolen, on the other you have pissed up folk fighting as they make their way home when last orders are called. And all this is before you add into the equation the groups of neds or junkies who use the area as a meeting point.

An ugly concentration of crime ? yes - Unique to Glasgow or worse than any other big city ?
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Postby Ally Doll » Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:00 am

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - CCTV on its own isn't a solution to crime! More police patrolling on foot is the only way to improve matters.
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Postby JayKay » Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:11 am

LostSoul wrote:
tedmaul wrote:Central Station has been mentioned on here before as a place where a newcomer to the city could not be blamed for doing an immediate about-turn and jumping on the next train out of town.

Isn't everyone missing one important point - is it not the case that most citites in the UK if not the world suffer a concentration of crime (including violent crime) in and around the central station area ?? It's hardly surprising given the amount of human traffic passing through such a place each day.

On one hand you have travellers and tourists getting their bags or wallets stolen, on the other you have pissed up folk fighting as they make their way home when last orders are called. And all this is before you add into the equation the groups of neds or junkies who use the area as a meeting point.

An ugly concentration of crime ? yes - Unique to Glasgow or worse than any other big city ?

If anything it's not as bad as many other mainland European cities. I've seen junkies shooting up, openly dealing and dead bodies being carted away in stations elsewhere, along with the usual violent/threatening beggars, prozzys and bewildered American backpackers.
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