amateurish glasgow pics and an introduction

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amateurish glasgow pics and an introduction

Postby looceefir » Sun May 23, 2004 10:00 am

Hello all.

Just discovered this site after coming across the UE site thru Neil Gaiman's blog on the Chernobyl Ghost Town site. I think I've got different interests to the way this site works - I do find the hidden aspects of Glasgow fascinating, but I think I'm more interested in the embracing of urban environments. Not sure. Will need more time to go through all the stuff in full on a better computer than this crappy home one before I make my mind up :) The links section here is amazing, I never knew how much Glasgow stuff was out there.

For now just wanted to share some pics I took on my admittedly relatatively crappy digital camera. Wanted to get some opinions from native experts, so to speak, and just general interested parties :) There are more in the galleries of my blog, but I quite like these ones as an introduction. Not sure what size they'll come out as, think I reduced them to make them fit into my blog margins...

Start of St. Vincent Street viewed from the bottom of Montrose Street (IIRC).


A building in said street.


A George Street building site viewed from Livingstone Tower.

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Postby turbozutek » Sun May 23, 2004 1:08 pm

Welcome looceefir,

Nice pics!

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Postby Ronnie » Mon May 24, 2004 10:34 am

Thanks for the picture from the Livvy tower, showing the site of the new science city. Liked the other pics, too, but the first one didn't seem to have a focus (constructive criticism, I hope).
Keep posting!
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Postby duncan » Mon May 24, 2004 5:01 pm

on the subject of the Livingstone Tower... if you go up to the top floor in the lift, then one of the two staircases has an extra flight leading up to some little building on the roof. there's a door with a little bit of carpet doormat outside it; rumour had it that this is a penthouse flat for the Chancellor. from the right angle you can see what looks like a glorified portakabin up there
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Postby looceefir » Mon May 24, 2004 10:19 pm

Heh. I know what you mean about the first pic. It was a random hipslinging type thing, and one of the things I like about it is the lack of a focused object, but still having some unity through the descent of the skyline.

As for the Liv Tower penthouse - this was indeed true til a couple of years ago, when it was changed into, IIRC, a computing services hub or something...think the administration wanted to be less elitist :)
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Postby rosco » Tue May 25, 2004 9:54 am

The top floor of the Livi tower is now the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, in all its snazzy blue external paint and balconies. I had a class up there last year and managed at one point to get out onto the roof. It was rather breezy but the views were pretty good, as you'd expect. Had to avoid sitting next to a window or I'd never learn anything....
Always looking up...
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