Choose 3 buildings you'd like to introduce to a bulldozer!

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Postby macca734 » Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:03 pm

1. The Glasgow Fort - What a hideous formulaic building

2. SAS Radisson on Argyle Street - It isnt elegant, it isnt contemporary, its just ugly.

3. The Parkhead Forge - OK, it isnt in an area known for its architectural heritage but, damn, that is one ugly building.
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Postby Ally Doll » Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:10 pm

Ooh, the Fort's a good one - why would you build an outdoor style mall in Scotland, mimicing a high street? Why not just... improve existing high streets?!

I'd also get rid of the Sauchiehall St centre - I loved it with the fountains but now it's a waste of space, and the big pink nonsense over the M8 at the Mitchell Library.

I don't mind some of the shiny new buildings being thrown up, but I wish some of them were more sensitive to their surroundings rather than being planned on paper in isolation.
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Postby job78989 » Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:30 pm

Ally Doll

Can a get yir bottle a vodi,

a keep watchin them bulding that bliddy "Silverburn Centre" . It's massive it going to drown the entire build environment of Househillwood and Peat road roundabout. It occupies the site of the former pollok shopping centre, the former Bellarmine Secondary school and the former south pollok football pitches and half of Cowglen Road.

It makes me sick, I havent seen the plan but I can be sure that it going to be concrete, tin huts and glass bits.

Pollok has been promised a township centre for over 75 years and now that its to finally be achieved, what are we going to get?

and yes
more shite!

I definately need that bottle a vodi.
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Postby Ally Doll » Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:26 pm

job78989 wrote:Ally Doll Can a get yir bottle a vodi

Hmm, I'll think about it! Generally, I need it all :wink:
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Postby Fat Cat » Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:56 am

Ally Doll wrote:Ooh, the Fort's a good one - why would you build an outdoor style mall in Scotland

The coldest place in Glasgow, even in the summer. Went Xmas shopping up there advertised "open until midnight". Great. Eh, no. No public transport except the odd 38 where the driver was "goin' tae Gartcosh, don't know if ahm comin' back". No taxi rank either.

Great planning guys. :x
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Postby Alex Glass » Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:54 pm

Hi job

This is a new angle! demolish it before its build. Must be a first.

working on posting pictures and have a copy of the presentation from Retail Properties. I don't think it will be as bad looking as you may think although it will dominate the view from Brock Road which didn't really have a view anyway.

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Postby job78989 » Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:12 pm

Hi Alex

Sorry to disagree, but the view from most houses in the househillwood area of that site allowed you to see that wee hill at kenishead farm with the woods just to the left of it. Steel, Concrete and Glass just dont work for me. Why I hate that wedge at the roundabout, it function may be great it grass roof some what inovative for Pollok. We dont nornally build them with grass roofs we just usually wait for the council to neglect them long enough for the grass to grow all by itself.

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Postby Alex Glass » Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:34 am

Point taken about the view.

Did you know the last housed to be built by Glasgow City Council, Housing Department in 1999 were at Ellistion Drive, Priesthill. The original architect was, i think Slovinien or something. His original plan was to build houses with gardens on the roof.

Needless to say the Tenant's Design Group sacked him and employed a Council architect. He designed housed with themol paneled windows expensive wooden frames and doors and galvanised stairs at pensioners flats.

I think the tenants wished they had stuck with the original architect in the end.

On the Wedge. There are many differing opinions of the building. Like many others. But if you want a view you should go to one of the meeting rooms and look out onto the Pollok round-a-bout and over to the new Silverburn. Fantastic!!
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Postby gwendle » Sat Mar 04, 2006 1:42 pm

1. Whitevale flats at Duke Street

2. Will be good when Maryhill shopping centre gets something done to it (even if it is a new tesco) I have never seen so many pound shops under the one roof.

3. Also the savoy centre/in-shops. You walk in the in-shops and walk right back out again.
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Postby stranger » Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:38 pm

1 Buchanan Bus Station
2 Buchanan Bus Station
3 Buchanan Bus Station

i Know it's only one building but it's *$%@ing horrible
and they demolished a perfectly good railway station to build it!

oh i'd do the St Enoch centre too if i had an extra chance
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Postby Flyingscot » Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:36 pm

Hmm interesting.

1. Braehead. Horrific place killing our towns.
2. Kingston Bridge (O.K not a building but a structure- should have been put well out of site and mind and stopped the M8 cutting Finnieston from the City.)
3.Those Horrible flats at Whitevale near Duke Street. They look horrific and make people fearful in the area.

I have other places I hate too remember Anderston Bus Station- they need to flatten that area still! and Central Road in Paisley) but I'll wait for them.

Silverburn is interesting but they will need to have one hell of a security system if they want to convince people Pollok is safe to shop in. I sadly think reputation may taint it. The Wedge is quite unique, although what they are going to do with that roundabout I have no idea. It will need to be improved before Silverburn opens. As for Buchanan Bus Station- it's fairly good, I've been to and seen far worse- Digbeth in Birmingham for example!

I notice the first post a long time ago stated the houses on the canal line. I am not aware of any major constraints to the Canal line despite the houses being built there.
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Postby Alex Glass » Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:17 pm


Did you see my posting on Pollok Househill & Hurlet topoic or have you seen the plans.

Work on the roundabout is to widen it for the expected traffic. I don't think they will have a problem marketing it. It already had Mark & Spencers and Debenhams. Together with the bigest TESCO Scotland. if not Britain.

When was the lat time you were in Pollok. It has changed a lot since the days of its bad reputation with lots of people moving back after a lot of the tenaments were cleared. ITS A GREAT PLACE TO "WORK, REST & STAY.
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Postby Flyingscot » Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:39 pm

Alex Glass wrote:Flyingscot

Did you see my posting on Pollok Househill & Hurlet topoic or have you seen the plans.

Work on the roundabout is to widen it for the expected traffic. I don't think they will have a problem marketing it. It already had Mark & Spencers and Debenhams. Together with the bigest TESCO Scotland. if not Britain.

When was the lat time you were in Pollok. It has changed a lot since the days of its bad reputation with lots of people moving back after a lot of the tenaments were cleared. ITS A GREAT PLACE TO "WORK, REST & STAY.

The plans you posted don't look like some of the CAD ones I've seen ;). Seems to be a few discrepances but ho hum. I was aware the roundabout was to be widened, but just interested how they'd manage it, it's terrible as it is and widening would scare the crap out of some drivers!

You say they would have no problem marketing it but the name change (and how arsey they get if you use Pollok anywhere in it) indicates they obviously thought they would!

However the massive publicity about herion being sold to 12 year olds at the centre (however untrue) and the interviews with locals who talked about dodgy folk hanging around did nothing to help it. I know from someone who works with a shopping centre company that they are concerned about security and are very worried about it.

I travel through Pollok (depending on where I am going) sometimes every day and I know the immense work going into it. But then I also have good friends who live in the area who do nothing to help it's image with the comments they make about the people. Whilst I can see through it, trouble with people being in the 'wrong part' still exists. He likes the new houses they are building but does add "You can tart up the houses but the same folk are in them". Unfortunatly the phrase mud sticks is sad but true. Once an area has gained a reputation it can be hard to shift. Look at Ferguslie Park in Paisley. Nobody exists in that area that was there in the bad days of the 1990's but it still has the same reputation. Sad but true. Only time will tell whether people will be willing giving up the percieved safety of Braehead for what is seen as a Housing Scheme Shopping Centre.
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Postby Alex Glass » Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:01 pm

Hi Flyinscot

The images I posted are recent and from Retail Properties. Whilst there will be some changes I would expect them to be too radical.

I do understand the point you make about an areas reputation. But I am in the business of promoting the good point. I leave the negative ones for others. We have a lot still to do before Pollok shakes off its bad name but we have to start somewhere and I don't mind if some people want to try and push me down I'll just keep getting back up. Everyone will need to know where Silverburn is and guess what it's called Pollok so they may have changed the name to market the centre but they can't rename Pollok. I think it will prove to be a success and I hope you enjoy shopping there when it opens in 2007.

They may have said the same thing when Sainsbury's choose to locate it's first store in Glasgow in Darnley. I don't think after 10 good years they have any plans to move.

But I still take on board your comments Flyingscot.
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Postby dave2 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:47 pm

I like the idea of turning the St Enoch Centre into a big greenhouse - kinda the City Centre Botanics....handy for lunch, avoiding the rain or something.

Seriously though my 3 targets would have to be

1. The big concrete lump atop the shops at teh corner of west nile st and sauchiehall st opposite the Concert Hall.
2. College of Building and Printing
3. THE SPT offices above the front of queen st station.
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