Elgin Place Congregational Church Destruction

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Postby turbozutek » Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:22 am

Ok, 19 pages of thread!! Awesome!

So... Did we decide if we were actually going to do anything ? If so.. Let me know what, eh ?

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Postby escotregen » Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:47 pm

Turbo I'm assuming that Hidden Glasgow, collectively, will not actually 'do anything' further about this. A number of us, as evidenced in the thread, are variously trying to follow-up and obtain documentary evidence on what happened in the decision-making process leading to the demolition.
Hopefully, this will provide some evidence basis with which to consider next steps. I know that a number of us in our respective non-HG roles are doing our level best to give life to the debate elswhere on this episode, and to disseminate and raise the profile on this and the other recent Thompson episodes. I know that the profile that HG has given the topic is noticed and is being remarked on elswhere. This may sound touchy-feely and soppy stuff, but the reality is that there are still a whole lot of Glasgow people who don't know what is happening and who may not care until they are made aware of why its important.
My assumption that HG as a collective will do nothing is not meant to be cynical or negative. It's just realism. I think it reflects the thread we had awhile back on 'A new Role for HG'. This was a good and very relevant topic but it did rather peter out. I think this petering out was based on fears that if we were to try to get too formal and structured we would lose the diversity, spontaneity and fun of the site. Personally, I don't think that need be the case - if we set out out to retain those values. (Molindinar's excellent graphic layout illustrated the complementary and inter-active realms we could manage.) However, I respect that this was the genuine view held by a range of members.
Maybe we should be re-visiting the 'New Role' topic on the other thread?
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Postby paladin » Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:10 pm

escotregen wrote: Maybe we should be re-visiting the 'New Role' topic on the other thread?

'Hidden Glasgow - A fresh concept' in Coffee Lounge.

It's funny how time slips away sometimes. Raising awareness is a task in itself and HG has certainly done it's share, anything else would require perseverance, commitment and at least a 5 year plan with rolled out funding to make any impact.
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Postby gap74 » Wed May 11, 2005 12:40 am

Wandering by the site today, I was both amused and horrified to read this on the hoarding - bastards are actually boasting about it! Hip-fucking-hooray for them!


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Postby crusty_bint » Wed May 11, 2005 12:42 am

What a slap in the face... bastards!
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Postby Sharon » Wed May 11, 2005 12:51 am

Completed on time?

Meaning someone gave them a deadline?

"Ok boys, thats the fire out of the way, i want it flat within the week".

That kindof deadline?
Beware of yawning dogs.
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Postby gap74 » Wed May 11, 2005 12:56 am

And what exactly does it say about the city that they can boast of "another" emergency demolition completed on time...??

Will the next one read something like "Twelfth great emergency demolition in Glasgow..." ?

Five pounds to the first person to deface the hoarding with something along the lines of "Another fine piece of built heritage razed to the ground thanks to the inertia and neglect of Glasgow City Council!"

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Postby james73 » Wed May 11, 2005 1:13 am

gap74 wrote:Wandering by the site today, I was both amused and horrified to read this on the hoarding - bastards are actually boasting about it! Hip-fucking-hooray for them!



I hope that's a photoshoped-wind-up. Otherwise, the fcking basturds. Image

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Postby gap74 » Wed May 11, 2005 1:18 am

I assure you of its authenticity, but admit that had I not seen it myself, I wouldn't have believed it either...

Besides, I've yet to successfully achieve anything more advanced than cropping in Photoshop!

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Postby paladin » Wed May 11, 2005 5:44 am

They have a Richard Speedie on Contracts known as Speedy Dick on the QT. 8O :roll:
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Postby Closet Classicist » Wed May 11, 2005 7:46 am

Yeah... lacks any shred of irony.... The sign was pointed out to me yesterday and I did mean to say something here but got distracted Anyone got a contact at the Herald so we could get this put into the Diary so it could at least embarass them?
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Postby Closet Classicist » Wed May 11, 2005 7:53 am

Just found the number for the Herald's diary so have left a message on their machine :wink: so watch this space....

A lot of people in Glasgow might beg to differ regarding just how 'successful' the outcome of this demolition was.
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Postby Closet Classicist » Wed May 11, 2005 2:22 pm

Got an e-mail back from Ken Smith at the Herald's Diary but, alas, they are not biting. Not diary material as it would mean them having to take a view on whether it should have been demolished or not, and it is not for them to use the column in such a way.

So there you go.

I thought the whole point of a newspaper was to take a view!
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Postby paladin » Wed May 11, 2005 2:25 pm

Closet Classicist wrote:
I thought the whole point of a newspaper was to take a view!

A view to selling newspapers is the only point of interest.
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Postby crusty_bint » Wed May 11, 2005 2:37 pm

Pity CC ...try the Daily Record instaed, perhaps Joanie will take a bite?
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