Kelvingrove bandstand

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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby Dexter St. Clair » Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:34 pm

flyman wrote:Woke up this morning and for some bizarre reason i feel very old.........Josefs trip on the Tardis has put even more years on me :wink:

Flyman we all watched The Untied Shoe laces show but you appeared on it. fantastic.
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby flyman » Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:25 pm

Dexter St. Clair wrote:
flyman wrote:Woke up this morning and for some bizarre reason i feel very old.........Josefs trip on the Tardis has put even more years on me :wink:

Flyman we all watched The Untied Shoe laces show but you appeared on it. fantastic.

Aye Dexter pull the other one its not so much untied as it's got a slipper on :wink: fair enough it wasn't the Old Grey Whistle Test ::): but what the heck.Loads of folk dream of playing an instrument and i've been lucky to play guitar since i was a kid and i've enjoyed doing the band thing ever since. I still find it strange when folk seem to think it's an extraordinary pursuit playing the guitar i just thought everyone did? all my family did .Ah i still feel old but then again thats because i am :wink:
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby wee minxy » Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:59 pm

Are you one the guys in the vid, Flyman? :wink:
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby Josef » Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:01 pm

Do keep up, Minxy. Check the stunning blonde in Dex's snap. :D
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby wee minxy » Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:08 pm

8O ...I was too busy looking at his light, white, tight trews! :P
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby Josef » Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:13 pm

wee minxy wrote:8O ...I was too busy looking at his light, white, tight trews! :P

He still fits them too, allegedly. Well, as much as he did at the time. :wink:
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby Big Train Bob » Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:19 pm

Dexter St. Clair wrote:
flyman wrote:sweet 8O 8O 8O mother of god 8O 8O

Aye you can say that again.


Remember them well enough ... very interesting.

Jamie O'Rourke - Vocal
Ian McLachlan - Guitar
Bill Mullacky - Guitar
Alastair McIntyre - Bass
Steve Hogg – Drums
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby flyman » Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:14 pm

::): ::): ::): ::): ::): ::): rumbled i could never have kept that up, brilliant i played in an earlier line up and had long since been booted before this!! but it was quite funny to keep it going! ah great stuff.Jamie i understand went on to run a bar in Spain Bob? last i heard he was doing Sinatra impersonations or something? not seen anyone from this in years i'd have had to have given up the kidology eventually.Brilliant ::): ::): ::):
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby Big Train Bob » Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:25 pm

Now I'm really confused ... but that's quite normal for a Tuesday ::):
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby Josef » Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:08 pm

Steve Hogg, the drummer is still active by the looks of it from the website Dex got that snap from.
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby Seamey » Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:46 am

Since some people were talking about H20 - here they are from a CND concert in 1982.
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby Mori » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:34 pm

Item 7 (4 pages)
22nd September 2011

Kelvingrove Bandstand and Amphitheatre

Purpose of Report:
To advise members of the Committee of the progress towards the refurbishment of the
Kelvingrove Bandstand and Amphitheatre

It is recommended that Committee:
a) notes the content of this report.

1. Background
1.1 Work has been ongoing for some time to restore the bandstand and amphitheatre in
Kelvingrove Park to a working bandstand. Development work has closely involved
the Friends of Kelvingrove Park, who were partners in commissioning and developing
a report by Glasgow Building Preservation Trust (GBPT).
1.2 The GBPT report involved consultation with a number of potential users, potential
partners and community groups to ascertain what the best possible vehicle would be
for renovation and management of the facility post renovation.
1.3 The GBPT report recommended:
The lease of the bandstand and amphitheatre to a building preservation trust
which would then raise the capital required for the renovation and facilitate
the formation of a ‘bandstand trust’,
Post completion of the renovation, assign the lease of the bandstand and
amphitheatre to the ‘bandstand trust’ which would thereafter manage and
maintain the asset.
1.4 Following the production of the GBPT report, some concerns were raised given the
current financial context, as to the financial sustainability of the bandstand especially
if it were to be managed on a stand alone basis by an independent trust.
1.5 As a consequence of these concerns, a further piece of work was commissioned
from pza consulting which reviewed the business case for restoration and re-use of
the bandstand and amphitheatre.
1.6 pza consulting revisited many of the consultees from the original GBPT report to
gauge levels of commitment to using and supporting the bandstand in the current
financial climate. This report was presented in February 2011.
1.7 Key findings were that:
access to funding for third sector arts organisations has been significantly
reduced as a result of the recession, and many organisations which had
aspirations to use the bandstand recognised they would have less capacity to
do so in the current funding climate,
in the current funding climate, the capacity of community and third sector to
deliver ‘new’ activity is limited and income generation potential from these lets
is minimal,
there is potential to attract publicly funded arts organisations who deliver arts
outreach, but a key requirement of this type of event is that ‘infrastructure’
and programming are provided and are ready to ‘plug into’. This type of event
is generally free and would not generate income.
1.8 The pza report concluded that the proposed business model for the development and
management of the bandstand through a Trust model was financially unsustainable,
although there remains a compelling case for the restoration and re-use of the
1.9 The pza report presented a number of options:
Do nothing
The site woulvisitor attraction of Kelvingrove Museum, and a few hundred yards from the
2014 Commonwealth Games bowling venue. There is also a brand new
school constructed a few hundred yards from the bandstand.
There is a huge amount of public interest in the bandstand, and enormous
public support for its refurbishment. To withdraw from refurbishing the site
now would raise considerable political and press interest, and it is anticipated
that there would be considerable loss of community goodwill.
To demolish the bandstand and make the area safe would cost in the region
of £30,000. The building is category B listed and demolition would raise
Council carry out refurbishment and manage thereafter
The capacity for the Council to raise capital for the £1.3M refurbishment is
limited. While the Council would be eligible to apply for Heritage Lottery
funding, it would not be an eligible applicant for many other charitable
Partnership approach
This approach would utilise an existing charitable trust, such as the Glasgow
Building Preservation Trust, to secure capital for refurbishment, and to
manage the renovation. Ongoing operation and maintenance of the
refurbished building would therafter be carried out by the Council and
Glasgow Life.
This option reduces the capital burden on the Council, but recognises that
without Council commitment to the ongoing maintenance and management of
the bandstand, the restoration of the historic asset is unlikely to be delivered.
2. Current position
2.1 A report was presented to the Council’s Capital Programme Board on 6th June 2011,
and approval was secured to progress to detailed business case on the basis of a
partnership approach with Glasgow Life, who will facilitate a seasonal programme of
events, activities, concerts and celebrations after the renovation of the Bandstand is
2.2 A further report along with a detailed business case will be presented to the Capital
Programme Board on 27th September 2011.
3. Service Implications
Financial: Capital cost of refurbishment is £1.3 million.
Legal: There are no legal implications arising from this report.
Personnel: There are no personnel implications arising from this report.
Service Plan: The Service Plan details the importance of partnership working
and engaging with local communities and interest groups.d remain as it currently is.
Environmental: The restoration of this building will have a positive impact on
the built environment and that of the park.
Sustainable Procurement and Article 19: The objectives of this report are not
considered applicable to Article 19
4. Recommendations
It is recommended that Committee:
a) notes the content of this report.
31 August 2011

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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby The Egg Man » Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:41 pm

A wee update.

"The Kelvingrove Bandstand and Amphitheatre, built in1924, by the Corporation of Glasgow Public Parks Department is a well known and loved historic landmark in the area which has been the venue for a variety of live performance and events for 75 years. Situated within Kelvingrove Park in the west end of Glasgow, it is the only remaining Bandstand in Glasgow and is one of only a few with associated amphitheatre in Scotland. It is recognized by Historic Scotland’s Category B Listing and sits within the Park’s Conservation Area. Following the closure of the Bandstand in 1999 due to disrepair, the fabric of the building continued to deteriorate and it was placed on Scotland’s Buildings at Risk Register in 2004.

There have been a series of proposals put forward over the intervening period to develop a plan to bring the Bandstand back into operation and different business models for the operation of the Bandstand have been explored. In 2002 The Friends of Kelvingrove Park and Woodlands & Park Community Council commissioned McInnes Gardner, Heritage Engineering, Neil Baxter Associates and Allan and Hanel to prepare a Feasibility Study on the future of the Bandstand. In 2005, the Friends of Kelvingrove Park commissioned a Business Plan which was produced by Gen Consulting. At the request of Glasgow Building Preservation Trust (GBPT), the original feasibility study was updated in 2008 by the original team of consultants.

This report was subsequently updated again in 2010 and proposed that a charitable trust be set up to run the Bandstand once the capital works were complete. GBPT subsequently commissioned pza (social and economic development consultants) to carry out further work on the viability of this proposed business model. pza’s study concluded that this proposed business model was not sustainable, particularly in the deteriorating economic climate. Within their report pza explored a number of other options to sustain the future of the Bandstand including what they termed a “mixed model.” In this model a Trust is established to raise funds and restore the Bandstand but “contracts” the maintenance and management/programming of the venue to Glasgow City Council.

Since that report further discussions have taken place within the Council and it is now proposed that the “trust” be Glasgow Building Preservation Trust (GBPT) who will lease the building from Glasgow City Council and carry out the capital refurbishment. Meanwhile Glasgow Life on behalf of GCC are exploring options for the management and programming of the Bandstand including the resources required once the capital works are complete.

GBPT has already commenced fundraising for the project and have so far secured circa £169k. They have already received approval from the HLF to submit a Stage 1 application at the end of November 2011 and have also submitted an application to GCC for further Landfill Communities Funding. They will aspire to raise circa £1.45 million over the next year from public grant sources including Historic Scotland and Creative Scotland. If GBPT is successful it is anticipated that the works at the Bandstand will start on site in early 2013 and be complete before the end of that year This should ensure that opportunities for events are maximised at Games time in 2014."

There's to be a meeting of representatives of interested organisations in late November and "Further information events (open to all) will be held when the proposals for the Bandstand are suitably developed. Dates for these meetings remain to be confirmed."
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby The Egg Man » Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:12 pm

Theer's to be a projection and lighting installation at the Bandstand, Kelvingrove Park on Thurs 17th April from 8.30pm - 10.00pm.
I hear the people sing.
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Re: Kelvingrove bandstand

Postby Bridie » Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:23 pm

Yes HH,I know
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