River Clyde Regeneration

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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Bridie » Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:49 am

Autolycus wrote:
Bridie wrote:I lived by the Clyde in Whiteinch a couple of years ago and if I opened the kitchen window on some days there was a smell coming from the Clyde. Always wondered if the Harbour residents could smell it as well?

I believe there's a campaign by Glasgow Harbour residents to have the Clyde moved a couple of miles further south. This will have the knock-on bonus of getting rid of the shipyard noise.

Hear hear!
It's all very well looking at Glasgow's shipyard history but one feels that the noise and badly clothed workers spoils one's early evening soiree on the balcony :(
Yes HH,I know
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby hazy » Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:55 am

Before any work for housing is carried out near an industrila site a sound monitering test over a 24 hour period must be carried out. How some of these projects get away with it is comical. I worked with Fugro who did this job for
Stirling council and the proposed property was knocked back due to a near by foundry working 24/7 noise levels were to high. Maybe in Glasgow CC the brown envelopes are bigger. 8O
Thank you. And why not.
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Autolycus » Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:43 pm

You can almost hear the conversation in City Chambers committee rooms.

"It's as ugly as fuck but look at the Council Tax it'll bring in! " :(
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Autolycus » Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:48 pm

Bridie wrote: I lived by the Clyde in Whiteinch a couple of years ago and if I opened the kitchen window on some days there was a smell coming from the Clyde.

That's what's known as The Pong of the Clyde.

Bridie wrote: Always wondered if the Harbour residents could smell it as well?

With their heids so far up their own arses it's a wonder they can smell anything else.
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Dexter St. Clair » Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:03 pm




"I before E, except after C" works in most cases but there are exceptions.
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Lucky Poet » Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:21 pm

What on earth is that? (Well, what on water; y'know.)
All the world seems in tune on a Spring afternoon, when we're poisoning pigeons in the park.
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Mori » Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:03 pm


Backing urged for Nautical College tower plan

December 08 2008

Plans for a major revamp of the Glasgow Nautical College, involving a lifeboat launch tower and pontoon stretching almost half-way across the Clyde, are expected to be approved tomorrow.

The tower, almost 40 metres from the southern banks of the river and 12 metres from the surface at low tide, would be used to train the crews of cargo vessels, tankers, and offshore oil and gas platforms in the use of freefall lifeboats.

Crews would either practise full launches, where the lifeboat is dropped into the Clyde at high tide, or simulated exercises where crews would practise mustering, entering and securing themselves in a lifeboat.

advertisementPlanners have recommended the proposals be approved. However, they have sparked objections from the Glasgow Humane Society, which until recently worked with the police in removing bodies from the Clyde, and rowing and boating clubs, which fear the pontoon and tower would gather floating debris.

Concerns have also been raised that - although as a result of the Clyde Arc, large vessels can no longer travel this far up the river - the main navigation channel which flows under the central span of the neighbouring Albert Bridge would be obstructed by the launch tower. It is feared that the remaining channel to the south may become dangerous depending on the flow of the river, debris and the opening of the Weir at Glasgow Green.

The planners claim both the tower and pontoon have been designed to mitigate such scenarios.

Another concern is that it would sit uneasily alongside the A-listed Albert Bridge.

The plans are part of a new Seamanship Centre, which is part of the proposed New Campus Glasgow, an amalgamation between the Nautical College, the Central College of Commerce, Glasgow Metropolitan College and Stow College.

The current Seamanship Centre is no longer deemed fit for its purpose and will revert to its former use as a boat store and workshop.

The new centre will provide three state-of-the-art classrooms and changing areas.

The tower element is considered essential in that it would allow the Nautical College to provide training in the use of free-fall lifeboats now required by law.

According to the report detailing the plans, the tower and pontoon would appear from the south banks of the Clyde and several of the river's bridges as a "prominent functional structure".

The application will be heard at Glasgow City Council's planning committee tomorrow and is recommended for approval.

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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Bridie » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:21 pm

Yes HH,I know
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby bilco8 » Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:06 pm

Slightly off the current topic...

Saw a young chap today on the northern walkway at the Tradeston Bridge.

He was engaged in checking the cracks between the paving bricks with a set of feeler guages and recording his findings on a diagram he had drawn on a large sketchpad.

As he was dressed for the office, I wondered if his interest was more professional than personal.

Didn't occur to me at the time to ask...


And now back to the current topic.
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Mori » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:33 pm

£30m floating village plan for Prince’s Dock


24 Oct 2010

You might have thought that houses belong on dry land but on Clydeside one unusual property developer has other ideas.

Floating Concepts, based near Manchester, is proposing to convert the derelict docks behind the Glasgow Science Centre and IMAX cinema near Govan into a £30 million floating village. The proposal would see the 12.5-acre Canting Basin become a waterborne development including homes, offices, restaurants, and a 230-berth marina.

It is one of two proposals before dock owner Scottish Enterprise, which will reach a decision next month. It was seeking proposals that would make the basin a centre for water-based activities and associated businesses.

The Floating Concepts idea, designed by Glasgow-based ZM Architecture, involves a horseshoe-shaped floating concrete path and illuminated canals of water about 30m from the quayside on each side. The buildings would be connected to the path, with each anchored through a Finnish stress absorption system designed to cope with all tides... Continues @ the Herald
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby sanda1989 » Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:26 pm

Broomielaw Pavilions

All gone very quiet about the pavilions development on the Broomielaw. Does anyone have any news or should we assume it´s been canned?
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Mori » Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:29 pm

Site at River Clyde from Water Row to Napier Road.doc


The application site is located along the Clyde waterfront, and includes the area of walkway and landscaping
extending from Napier Drive to Water Row between the GHA housing and the River. Informally known as the
‘Riverside Walkway’, the former dock area is characterised by its irregular shape and changing levels due to its
previous use.
The application seeks full planning permission for environmental improvements to this area, involving regrading,
landscaping, the installation of street furniture, the upgrading of street lighting and resurfacing and is
being promoted by LES on behalf of the Glasgow Housing Association.
The scheme aims to consolidate the area by: addressing the changing levels through re-grading; the uplifting
and re-use of existing sets in a more appropriate manner; the use of new materials to maintain the general
theme and palette from Govan Town Centre and Water Row; the resurfacing of the existing footpath; and, the
rationalisation of existing landscaped areas.

In particular, in order to consolidate the changes in level, the re-grading works will lower and reconfigure the
existing raised planter areas, necessitating the loss of a number of trees which would not survive the
environmental changes. Replacement tree planting is proposed to compensate for the loss of the trees.

1j - Public realm works Water Row.doc


The application site is located within the Govan Conservation Area, on the edge of Govan Town Centre, and
extends north-eastwards from Govan Road, along Water Row to the former ferry landing at the Clydeside. The
site is bounded to the north by the River Clyde, to the east by the Riverside Walkway, housing, a vacant site
and Govan Cross Civic Square, to the south by the shopping centre, and to the west by tenemental properties,
a vacant site and a site currently in use as a yard by Show people.
The application seeks full planning permission for public realm improvements incorporating a number of
elements. In addition, there are three other related applications, all of which are subject of separate reports, and
include environmental improvements comprising landscaping and the resurfacing of part of the Clyde Walkway
from Napier Road to Water Row and the formation of pontoon facilities at Water Row and Yorkhill Quay.

The main element of this proposal concerns the resurfacing of the area known as Water Row, which extends
from Govan Road to the former ferry crossing and eastwards along the riverfront facing the site for the new
pontoon. The design and palette of materials reflect those used for the Govan Town Centre public realm
improvements which are now nearing completion and comprise a mix of Caithness stone and granite sets for
the surfacing and stainless steel street furniture.
Due to the need for vehicular access along Water Row to the Show people’s site and for emergency purposes,
it was a requirement that the area be designed to an adoptable standard and this has necessitated the
incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System to meet SEPA’s water quality requirements. As surface
water from Water Row discharges into the Clyde, a SUDS (swale) system will be installed to filter out pollutants.
A swale, which is essentially a grass covered drain or filter, will be positioned along the eastern boundary of the
site alongside a line of trees.
The works will result in the loss of the existing large raised planting bed located between Water Row and the
walkway which contains a number of semi-mature trees, however, this is necessary in order to widen the
walkway directly in front of the pontoon and will be replaced by a smaller lower level planting bed with
replacement trees.
In addition to the main resurfacing works, it is proposed to clear the existing overgrown area surrounding the
former ferry crossing and remove the unsightly high galvanised steel palisade fence. This will be replaced with a
standard height stainless steel railing, similar to that used elsewhere along the Clyde, and will extend eastwards
beyond the position of the new pontoon. An access gate will be fitted to allow access to and from the pontoon
and water and electricity will be provided at a suitable location for water users.
The removal and repositioning of the fence will also ensure that the original winch mechanisms for the ferry
crossing are fully revealed, making a clear reference to Govan’s link to the Clyde, and will enable open views
from the Town Centre and Water Row itself across the Clyde.
A new fence will also be erected along the western side of Water Row where it meets the Show people’s site
and a hedge will be planted along the inner edge of the fence to enhance privacy for residents. Street lighting
along Water Row and along the waterfront will be upgraded and these details will be submitted at a later date.

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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby MungoDundas » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:40 pm

Stumbled upon this opportunity to tender for a ferry service commencing May 2011;

2.1 Title
Provision of a Ferry Service-Water Row Quay to Kelvin Harbour Landing Stage

2.2 Description of the goods or services required
The successful operator (the “Ferry Operator”) will provide a pedestrian ferry service between Water Row Quay (Govan) Pontoon and Kelvin Harbour Landing Stage.

Please note the Ferry Operator will also be responsible for the provision, operation, maintenance and crewing of a suitable vessel(s), for the development of an operating schedule, for the management of passengers between the quayside and the vessel(s) at Water Row Quay (Govan) and Kelvin Harbour Landing Stage, the management of the ferry stop at Water Row Quay (Govan) and co-operating with Kelvin Harbour Limited with regard to the usage of Kelvin Harbour Landing Stage.
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Mori » Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:36 am

Thanks for that alert Mungo


Contract referenceGCC002276CPU

Project Codeproject_18000

Project Title

Provision of a Ferry Service-Water Row Quay to Kelvin Harbour Landing Stage
Project DescriptionThe successful operator (the “Ferry Operator”) will provide a pedestrian ferry service between Water Row Quay (Govan) Pontoon and Kelvin Harbour Landing Stage.

Please note the Ferry Operator will also be responsible for the provision, operation, maintenance and crewing of a suitable vessel(s), for the development of an operating schedule, for the management of passengers between the quayside and the vessel(s) at Water Row Quay (Govan) and Kelvin Harbour Landing Stage, the management of the ferry stop at Water Row Quay (Govan) and co-operating with Kelvin Harbour Limited with regard to the usage of Kelvin Harbour Landing Stage.

Additional notesEstimate Contract Start Date is 2nd-19th May 2011.
Contract start date02/05/2011
Listing Deadline19/01/2011
Procurement routeNon-EU-Procurement
Work categoryServices
Contract duration5 Years
Estimated contract value
BuyerMallan Marion
Buyer organisationGlasgow City Council
Buyer [email protected]
Last update to this opportunity07/12/2010
Web link
Number of Attachments[ 0 ]


Contract referenceGCC002230LES

Project Codeproject_17996

Project TitleGCC002230LES


Project Description“Expressions of interest are invited from suitably experienced contractors to carry out the Design & Construction of pontoons at Water Row Quay (Govan) and Yorkhill Quay.

For each location the Works comprise the following main pontoon elements:-

(i) Guided Rail pontoons capable of berthing vessels of individual maximum displacement weight of 200 Tonnes.
(ii) A fixed access and hinged access bridge extending from quay side shore frame bridgeheads, down to the main pontoon that moves with the tide.
(iii) Electrical & Water utility services.
(iv) Lighting coverage of the pontoon.
(v) Galvanised steel gate with electronic access keypad.
(vi) Provision of galvanised steel handrail.
(vii) Debris Deflectors.
(viii) Dredging Works may be required at the Govan location.

The specification for the works shall be the Specification for Highway Works, the conditions of the contract for the works shall be ICE Conditions of Contract Design & Construct 2nd Edition, dated September 2001.”
All documents will be available on eBravo on or shortly after 19th November 2010
Please submit all queries and submissions via eBravo.

Additional notes
Contract start date22/01/2011
Listing Deadline17/12/2010
Procurement routeNon-EU-Procurement
Work categoryWorks
Contract duration16 weeks
Estimated contract value500000
BuyerAdams-McKenzie Kirsten
Buyer organisationGlasgow City Council
Buyer [email protected]
Last update to this opportunity17/11/2010
Web link
Number of Attachments[ 0 ]
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Re: River Clyde Regeneration

Postby Mori » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:31 pm

An old report from oct 2010, and a street survey video.

Floating Concepts

Floating Concepts, based near Manchester, is proposed to convert the derelict docks behind the Glasgow Science Centre and IMAX cinema near Govan into a £30 million floating village. The proposal would see the 12.5-acre Canting Basin become a waterborne development including homes, offices, restaurants, and a 230-berth marina.

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