The Peter Manuel case.

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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby aland » Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:50 pm

Carstairs is just one scary place, think it is just the hospital that makes it that way as you know that all is seperrating you from some of the worst "humans" is a wall and barbed wire. Remember during the railway enthusist days changing trains there before the east coast line was electrified so there was always a loco change and even though you only had to fester for half an hour or so you were always glad to be out
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby engineer » Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:09 am

documetary on radio scotland this morning including an interview with manuel
should be on the listen again
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby Glasgogirl » Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:17 am

My mother has owned a house by barrachnie park since 1960, apparently they got the house cheap as the owner was afraid to remain in the house, as she was single and the house was isolated. And was Manual Territory.
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby Nosht » Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:36 pm

junkcatcher wrote:As child growing up in Brachinnie in late 1950s-and 60s Peter Manuel was the devil incarnate who struck fear throughout the East End and adjacent areas of Lanarkshire. Although only six years old I can remember the lifting of a feeling of tension when Manuel was convicted and sentenced to death.

The Peter Manuel case has been touched in other threads but not really explored with time passing it struck me that now would be the time to discuss while people affected by the case are still around. One of the real ironies of the case is the Manuel came from a very decent hard working family.

Has anybody here got memories of the case ?
Is the urban ledgend that his grave was simply tarmaced over when the Barlinnie car park was enlarged true ?

Peter Manuel, Jimmy Boyle, IRA, Ulster Loyalists, Scottish Liberation Army, ANC, Mau Mau, the list is endless, I am really fed up with do gooders trying to rehabilitate criminals with very little thought given to the victims.
Perhaps if they had suffered as victims of crime then their views would be more respected.
Manuel was an evil guy who terrified the East End for years & paid the penalty & there was no doubt about his guilt so death was the only option. The other victims were the suspects for some of the crimes whose lives were shattered after their involvement.
I can remember this vividly as I regularly visited my granny who lived in the East End all her life & the feeling of fear then relief was almost tangible.


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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby Dexter St. Clair » Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:11 pm

Thge mau mau? Did they hing about the Bundy?

was your granny a member? What damage did they do?

or was this your Granny

I stuck my revolver right in his grinning mouth and I said something, I don’t remember what, and I pulled the trigger. His brains went all over the side of the police station. The other two Mickeys [Mau Mau] were standing there looking blank. I said to them that if they didn’t tell me where to find the rest of the gang I’d kill them too. They didn’t say a word so I shot them both. One wasn’t dead so I shot him in the ear. When the sub-inspector drove up, I told him that the Mickeys tried to escape. He didn’t believe me but all he said was 'bury them and see the wall is cleared up

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The Dirty War In Kenya And The End Of Empire
by David Anderson

If you listened to the programme you will have realise that Manuel recived a fair trial in the eyes of the law and even if they had acknowledged that he was a psycopath under Scots it would not necessarily have stopped him from being executed.

Do you think we should dig him up and hang him again just to make sure.
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby Josef » Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:38 pm

Dexter St. Clair wrote:Do you think we should dig him up and hang him again just to make sure.
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby KazzieBear » Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:04 am

Mid-20th century prostitutes were often given colourful names by their acquaintances. We have already heard of Russian Dora – now it was the turn of Red Helen, who went up to her Pimlico, London, room for sex with an American air force sergeant shortly before she was murdered on Monday, September 6th, 1954.
Red Helen was in fact Ellen Carlin, 28, from Ulster. Neighbours heard screams around midnight as she was punched round the head and then strangled with one of her black nylon stockings.
A week later a girl flower-seller in Piccadilly who saw the man who went to Red Helen’s room was threatened by a US serviceman. Detectives discreetly watched the American, but he never spoke to the flower-seller again. Despite this American dimension, the crime was subsequently linked to the Scottish serial killer Peter Manuel, who shortly before he was hanged in 1958 for seven murders confessed additionally to the murder of Red Helen.

Ellen Carlin, was actually my boyfriends, mothers auntie, and for years they thought it was her sister who killed her.
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby dmf » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:44 pm


It has been quoted that Manuel admitted to the murder of Ellen Carlin just before he was executed. But I think you have cleared up that mystery.

In that same confession, Manuel is said to have admitted to the killing in June 1956 of Ellen Petrie in West George St Lane. She was a part time prostitute, who went by the name 'English Nellie', and she bled to death after her killer gouged a deep V-shaped wound into her thigh and left her lying on the cobblestones.

Previously, in April, another prostitute, Margaret Davies, aka 'Ginger Margaret' was attacked in Carrick Street and at the start of June, Ina McDonald, another prostitute, was also attacked, this time in Robertson Street. All three women knew each other. The descriptions of the man who assaulted both Davies and McDonald were similar to the description given of the man last seen with 'English Nellie'.

After Manuel's alleged confession, his photograph was shown to both Davies and McDonald but they both failed to identify him as their attacker.

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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby My Kitten » Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:32 pm

Im currently reading a book about Peter Manuel, interesting reading, heard of him but not all the gruesome bits

Bit of searching found National Archives of Scotland

which has psychiatric reports which might be interesting to read.
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby davidd » Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:49 pm

HIYA am from England in cumbria !! am half scottish too!! .but last night on TV I can across ,about peter Manuel on the nation geographic channel ,it was called scotland most evil murderer i watched and i have to say it gave me chills he was so evil ,never heard of him before and it just scared me ,:) and after that show finished it came on about glasgow underworld was very gripping to watch ,the god fathers of the city so ruthless people its a same that Glasgow has such a rep for that sort of thing but i do love the city its great place but i also find it a bit Erie too in some places!!! just though i say some things dave... :D :)
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby pictongirl » Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:11 pm

KazzieBear wrote:Mid-20th century prostitutes were often given colourful names by their acquaintances. We have already heard of Russian Dora – now it was the turn of Red Helen, who went up to her Pimlico, London, room for sex with an American air force sergeant shortly before she was murdered on Monday, September 6th, 1954.
Red Helen was in fact Ellen Carlin, 28, from Ulster. Neighbours heard screams around midnight as she was punched round the head and then strangled with one of her black nylon stockings.
A week later a girl flower-seller in Piccadilly who saw the man who went to Red Helen’s room was threatened by a US serviceman. Detectives discreetly watched the American, but he never spoke to the flower-seller again. Despite this American dimension, the crime was subsequently linked to the Scottish serial killer Peter Manuel, who shortly before he was hanged in 1958 for seven murders confessed additionally to the murder of Red Helen.

Ellen Carlin, was actually my boyfriends, mothers auntie, and for years they thought it was her sister who killed her.

Ellen Carlin was my Aunt, she was called Red Helen because she was a natural redhead but dyed her hair blonde. There was one member of the family who thought it was our mum but since l have shown her story written up in true crime mags she has changed her mind. Her sister our mother told us that it was an American GI that was the suspect and that they shipped him back to the US when this came about. The confession of Peter Manuel was a surprise when l was looking up about Helen. There was also a picture of Helen on the front of The News of the World at the time and an article about the murder l have since lost my copy....M.Carlin
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby Splidoonkery » Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:16 pm

I have some photographs of the guns used by Peter Manuel to commit his evil crimes. The bullets removed from his victims are included. Haven't a clue how to add pictures, so if someone can assist i'd be grateful.

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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby Lucky Poet » Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:12 pm

Ello Splidoonkery. First you need to pick a hosting site to link them from, like Flickr or Photobucket. More details here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2418#p39570
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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby Splidoonkery » Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:38 pm

Thanks LP, i'll give it a go.

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Re: The Peter Manuel case.

Postby Splidoonkery » Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:59 pm

Right. Pics uploaded. There are two documents behind the pistols. One is part of Manuel's police record and the other a copy of his death warrant.

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