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Bums, hippies and Greenpeace

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 1:57 pm
by kn0wledge
Am I the only one who is sick and fucking tired of being accosted in the streets of Glasgow by homeless people, Hare Krisnas and Greenpeace idiots all wanting some of my money?

This morning was probably the worst I've ever experienced. Homeless people sitting under cash machines trying to guilt you into throwing their lazy asses a penny. It's just not right. Hanging around outside the entrance/exits of every store waving their Big Fucking Issues in your face, looking at you with their pot-addled eyes without so much as a "good day" much less a "please." URGH.

Greenpeace were also out in force. Down Hope Street, at the entrance of Central Station, along Argyle Street and back up the length of Buchanan Street, every twenty-five bloody yards I had some idiot with a clip board asking for a minute of my time.

And Hare Krisnas! They are the worst. Here's a typical exchange..

<HK> Hello may I have a word please?
<colin> Sorry, I'm in a terrible rush.
<HK> It'll only take a minute.
<colin> sorry, no
<HK> Would you buy a CD?

By this time she is following me up the street.

<colin> really, I must catch the bus
<HK> Only £10! Think of the good you'll be doing!
<colin> Look, will you leave me alone
<HK> But I'm just trying to bring some happiness into your life
<colin> In a week I'll be gone from here for two months. Believe me, I have all the happiness I need.
<HK> Say Gouranga!
* colin walks away

With bums at least they don't harass you. I guess they think that sitting there looking and smelling evil is enough to intimidate even Osama Bin Laden into coughing up twenty pence.

Give Glasgow's streets back to the pedestrians! I could stand for election on that ticket. Anyone care to join me?

Dodging the scourge of the coloured vests

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:24 pm
by skintobalinto
In the last year what is it with all these people in different coloured vests hassling you for a minute of your time. Each charity have its own colour a pain in the f**king arse you spend all your time dodging them.

And big ish sellers, has anyone noticed the usualy have expensive gear on smoking and chatting on their moblie phones!!! or is that me just being cynical.

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:29 pm
by turbozutek
Of course they have expensive gear!!

Think of the money saved on rent or a mortage. Silly!



PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:33 pm
by My Kitten
heheh I thought Glasgow was bad, here in ealing they have moved off the streets and into the train station - they stand right in front of the turnstiles. I mean what do they think you are rushing past them for??????

I used to hate the buggers in Buchanan St, trying to walk up their without being harrassed was an unknown occurance to me!

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:38 pm
by kn0wledge
Urgh, if any of them tried to obstruct my way onto a train, they would receive a punch in the mouth for their efforts.

Emmar: you're in Ealing? Do you know Northolt then?

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:49 pm
by Apollo
Love it folks, and I thought it was only me that was fed up. I usually get the 'No Sympathy' lecture if I say things like this cos its not PC.

My favourite was a guy that accosted me one morning on Bath St. while I was heading to work. Got a whole sob story about losing money, needing to get a bus/train etc etc. Best bit was when I was going home that night, same place, same guy, same story... loved the look on his face as he skulked away when I asked him to look closer at my face and think if he could recognise me at all :twisted:

That said, I am sad to see Glasgow go the same way as London was 10+ years ago. I worked there for extended periods, and was always glad to get home and away from these characters, who as you rightly say are probably into it as a career, esp if they're pushy.

In reality, my sympathies lie with those unfortunate enough to have chosen (not necessarily voluntarily) that way of life due to their circumstances, they usually sit humble and quiet in the shadows now, while the con artists pillage their takings :(

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:56 pm
by kn0wledge
Apollo: Just tell them that idiotic political correctness is for left-wing morons. :>

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:57 pm
by Pgcc93
Just wait till we get the woman (usually ethnic) with a bairn under one arm and the other stuck out begging fashion on the Glasgow underground. I've seen it many a time on the London tube and if you don't cough up some cash she'll turn nasty. A bit like the wife really ::):

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 3:00 pm
by Sharon
and always watch out for the windscreen washers up by sighthill, not so much lazy bums as asylum seekers, and i suppose at least they are offering a service for their money, but my god its not easy to register a "NO i like flies on my windscreen thank you please leave them be".

human beings

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 3:02 pm
by cataclyzm

It's strange isn't it? How we castigate those who are asking for a few shillings, whilst we allow our "governments" to rob us blind of a peaceful future and our MPs inhabit over budget buildings and dine at the expense of others.
Of course it is annoying to be approached by people in the street, but at least they are being honest, you'll find that most people who apparently want to be your friends in life, have a much more dubious and illicit agenda; they'll extract some kind of payment from you without you ever even knowing it. Although there are still good and honest people in life(thankfully).
So it really is true, that in life, we are all beggars, so when you turn in disgust or annoyance at a request for money in the street, we're simply responding to the fear that exists in ourselves, of who we might be and what might happen to us one day and of how humanity can be so cruel and unjust, as to create this unpleasant "situation".
So go one: Give! and smile at those who ask in all honesty, and don't consider what will happen to what you give; that's none of your business quite frankly!
Robert Kelly.

Re: human beings

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 3:14 pm
by Pgcc93
cataclyzm wrote:So go one: Give! and smile at those who ask in all honesty, and don't consider what will happen to what you give; that's none of your business quite frankly!
Robert Kelly.

Hi Cataclyzm,
I have to be honest and say that I could do with a few quid to get a business venture off the ground and don't have the cash to get it going. So how about setting a precedent in the charity front by sending me a donation to get the ball rolling. There's a generous chap :wink:

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 3:44 pm
by My Kitten
kn0wledge wrote:
Emmar: you're in Ealing? Do you know Northolt then?

Unfortunately yes!, well been through it a couple of time, what'ya wanna know?

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 3:46 pm
by My Kitten
Pgcc93 wrote:Just wait till we get the woman (usually ethnic) with a bairn under one arm and the other stuck out begging fashion on the Glasgow underground. I've seen it many a time on the London tube and if you don't cough up some cash she'll turn nasty. A bit like the wife really ::):

I've had them so many times on the tube. They always seem to like round about High St Ken way as its always crawling with unsuspecting tourists who think that its "quaint" and give them money. Always a chuckle when you see the person who gives them the dosh get growlers from everyone else. The only time you ever see eye contact in London!

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 3:51 pm
by kn0wledge
I don't want to know anything in particular, other than what it's like these days. I'm from Northolt originally. Born in Park Royal :>

If you ever happen to be passing through Northolt again, I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a photo of a particular house for me.

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 4:40 pm
by duncan
three incidents come to mind:
1. Cycling up Church street towards Byres Road late one night. Some homeless guy I pass asks me for some cash. I'm doing 10 - 15mph at the time, so obviously less inclined to donate to the needy than normal. So i carry on, and ignore him. He then screams at me that he hopes I get run over by a lorry and die

2. In Barcelona, waiting in a queue outside Sagrada Familia. Some ancient gypsy woman starts babbling away, with her hand out. I had a load of small coinage, so I dumped it in her hand (probably about 1-2 Euros worth at most). She then starts getting aggressive because I won't cough up any more, and shouts at me in Catalan (I think) until I get through the entrance gates

3. In Seville, some gypsy women collar me and the girlfriend, handing us some kind of lucky heather nonsense, while also pretending to read our palms. My spanish is almost non-existent, so it doesn't make any sense anyway. Then when she's done I try and hand back the flowery thing, but she demands some money. So I give her a few euros to get her to f-off, but she keeps trying to demand more, trying to get a 20 Euro note out of my hand. Eventually we get away, but not without a few gypsy curses thrown our way I think.