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can anyone remember TAB??

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 10:29 pm
by nuttytigger
this was a clear cola that came in a silver can with red writing, can anyone else remember it??

tip2tail cant remember it and he's the same age as me!!!

please help me on this, cheers

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 10:36 pm
by Fossil
The jingle was "Tab diet coke with just one calorie"


PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 10:43 pm
by martin
Ah, y'see, there's going to be a bit of confusion here - there's a difference between Tab and Tab Clear. Tab, so I'm told, was the original name for Diet Coke in the UK, while Tab Clear came out probably ten or so years ago, with a massive marketing push, because Coca Cola were scared that Pepsi were about to do the same with Pepsi Crystal.

I remember the advertising, which claimed that all sorts of songs had subliminal messages in them if you played them backwards.. buy tab clear

I can't find much on the web about it, but searching newsgroups did throw up this post from 1993. (and yes, the internet did exist back then)

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:43 pm
by monthebiffy
I remember it, it was horrible... Mountain Dew on the other hand 8)

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 12:26 pm
by turbozutek
Mountain dew rocked.

Tab was ok.. .But not much like coke.

Now... Rivella ? The sparkling soft drink made from milk !?? Did anyone ever try that ??

I couldn't find it... Ever....



PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 1:00 pm
by Pgcc93
Theres a can of it in my shopping trolley amongst other stuff. :D


PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 3:08 pm
by red_kola
The great thing about Tab Clear was it was around at about the same time as Tom Moore Clear Bourbon. If you went to the right pub you could get a 'JD and Coke' that was completely transparent. There is still a bottle of Tom Moore on the shelf at the upper bar in Uisges. It's got to be at least 8 years old and I'm not brave enough to try it.

On a similar topic, the bar at Nardini's in Largs still had a bottle of Bezique on the shelf last year. Must have been well over 10 years old...


Bzz bzz bzz...

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 5:13 pm
by scotia47
I remember those, vaguely. A few years back there was a drink called "Tizer Ice", supposedly Tizer that tasted cold even at room temperature. It was advertised on billboards, buses etc. for months but I couldn't find it anywhere. Then I finally did get my hands on a bottle... and found out that it was (IMO) absolutely minging. It felt cool(ish) at room temperature, but unfortunately it tasted like they had put in antifreeze or something. Anyone else remember (or tried) this concoction?

I remember the ads for Rivella too. If anyone, ANYWHERE has ever managed to get a hold of some, I would like them to get in touch. :?

And here's another oddball for you. Salty pretzels, covered either in milk chocolate or white fudge. They were made by Nestle and called "Pretzel Flipz" or something like that. Though they sound unappealing, I loved both varieties. :oops: Anyone remember these, and if so how about starting a petition to have them put back into production? :D OK, maybe not...

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 5:26 pm
by Fossil
scotia47 wrote:........................................And here's another oddball for you. Salty pretzels, covered either in milk chocolate or white fudge. They were made by Nestle and called "Pretzel Flipz" or something like that. Though they sound unappealing, I loved both varieties. :oops: Anyone remember these, and if so how about starting a petition to have them put back into production? :D OK, maybe not...

They were fab.
Salty Chocolate yum yum. :P


PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 5:38 pm
by rank_bajin
Can anyone else remember the Irn Bru sweets? I'm not talking about the made-of-concentrated-acid-but-still-bloody-addictive Irn Bru bars, but the wee packets of individual sweeties. The last time I saw them was probably the last time I saw a Lemonade Sparkle (Ice Lolly of the gods), and no-one I know can remember them

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 5:51 pm
by My Kitten
rank_bajin wrote:The last time I saw them was probably the last time I saw a Lemonade Sparkle (Ice Lolly of the gods), and no-one I know can remember them

I remember them!

Used to be addicted to them when I was in school. Think the last time I saw one was about 1985 time? I remember a craze at my school for buying those wee tubs of nutella as well.

Irn Bru - cant get diet bru down here, cant stand that sugary full fat version - i need it to go with my two fish suppers and a bottle of diet bru!

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 6:09 pm
by Fossil
Posed by “Dickyhart” (finder)

Globalisation not with swedgers
Fnug yer M 'n M's....

-The Modern Fossil-

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 6:40 pm
by My Kitten
The Modern Fossil wrote:Globalisation not with swedgers
Fnug yer M 'n M's....

-The Modern Fossil-

aye, i still call starburst opal fruits hehehe thats my bit for anti-globalisation!

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 8:46 pm
by germistonguy
emmar wrote:
The Modern Fossil wrote:Globalisation not with swedgers
Fnug yer M 'n M's....

-The Modern Fossil-

aye, i still call starburst opal fruits hehehe thats my bit for anti-globalisation!

...and who remembers opal MINTS which I think later became Pacers. YUM YUM

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 9:07 pm
by Fossil
Sweet cigarettes
Mint Cracknel
Bubble gum in a bag that looked like wee nuggets of gold
Cola cubes (with a liquid centre, not like the ones just now)
Lucky tatties (you can still get them BTW 50p no toy inside though)
Sweet tobacco.. It was in a wee pouch that you unfolded and inside was coconut strips that were covered in a brown sugary coating

TOP DECK SHANDY aaahhh thats Bass
