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Postby Kirsty » Fri May 14, 2004 12:22 pm

The looky looky men on Sauchiehall Street and Argyle street are annoying me at the minute with their wee yapping dugs!!

How to deal with a Hare Krishna person: I scream in their faces and keep walking.

homeless people with dogs. I buy them dog food.

intravenous drug abusers: tell them to go to N.A

Drunk people who never seem to raise enough money for their bus fare or when they do forget to get off and end up back in Glasgow for some reason looking for more bus fare, I tell them to go to A.A and ask if they would like to meet God.

I know I should get out more 8O

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Postby kn0wledge » Fri May 14, 2004 12:55 pm

How to deal with a Hare Krishna person: I scream in their faces and keep walking.

Tell them to get a job and stop mooching off the public, whether it be in the name of Hari or not.

homeless people with dogs. I buy them dog food.

Tell them to get their dog put down since they obviously cannot afford to look after it.

intravenous drug abusers: tell them to go to N.A

Tell them to give themselves a nice fat overdose.
Eat a ham for Jesus.
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Postby turbozutek » Fri May 14, 2004 1:40 pm

homeless people with dogs. I buy them dog food.

I tell them if they are hungry, to eat their dog.

Failing that [If it's a big dog] why don't they live in it ?

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Postby JayKay » Fri May 14, 2004 4:14 pm

It's probably worth pointing out that the tabard-wearing losers that loiter in Sauchihall Street/Buchanan St etc are PAID fundraisers. They look like affable amiable young idealists, trying to convery the passer by to the worthy cause they champion but DO NOT BE FOOLED. They are not hippies they are FAKE PSEUDO HIPPIES and beneath the wooly jumpers and hair in need of a good comb beat the ICY HEARTS OF CAPITALIST interlopers. They probably have sales targets, quotas and a line manager to answer to. Their student-friendly clothes are little more than corporate dress code designed by the suits that work in the Target Marketing Department.

When their shift is finished they cast aside their disguise of amiable activism and probably relocate to winebars and gorge themselves on fine wine expensive foodstuffs and fat cigars, paid for by their explotative endeavours, bankrolled by the well meaning and misdirected.

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Postby evilmiss » Fri May 14, 2004 4:54 pm

turbozutek wrote:Ha!

This is exactly what one of them asked me outside central station 'Will you buy me some milk?'.

What is the significance of Milk ? None of these guys lactose intolerant???!??

As it stood I told her I wouldn't at any point be buying her any milk, but as she was fairly attractive I would give her free of charge a pearl necklace.

Went straight over her head.... ;-) (Double.Meaning)

Whereabouts in Paisley you from Evilmiss ? I used to live over in Canal St.. Moved to Kilmarnock a couple of years ago but I'm moving back to Paisly as soon as I can sell my house down here!


I live on the High Street overlooking the museum, 'tis quite central...There be a mighty fine amount of dwellings for sale in Paisley...

Anyhoo...I think that after the Gouranga mob bathe in the blood of sacrificial virgins, they need a glass of warm milk to help them sleep-that's why they need milk.

gouranga bloke, 'Can you day gouranga for me?'
my friend debz, 'I can't say gouranga, I've got a speech impediment'.

btw, good luck on the selling of your house!
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Postby Apollo » Fri May 14, 2004 5:35 pm

Aw, don't knock them all, they have their uses. Get your own back by using them :twisted:

I was in Brighton years ago and had (don't laugh :( (ok laugh ::): )) the wrong socks on. I'd abandoned the car outside the town and walked in. After a few hours tramping around the place, me sock soles spontaneously self destructed for some reason and I was left with only the open weave which soon started to get painful, like in a big :cry: way. As I was wondering how the hell I was going to get off my feet, one of these characters approcached and asked if I was interested in L Ron Hubbard and would like to come to a free presentation in a nearby shop. Bliss, nice soft seat for a couple af hours to let the toes cool down (switched off mentally and never heard a word), and topped off with being able thank the guy, but no, the book didn't really interest me :twisted:

Exit and buy new socks in the shop next door :D . Still got blisters out of the deal, but could've been worse. Picture walking into hospital: "My socks are broken..." Nurse, fetch the jacket with the long tie up sleeves please :wink:
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Postby turbozutek » Fri May 14, 2004 5:44 pm

Highstreet, eh ?

I'm fairly sure I know exactly where you are there!

My house sale is hampered by my kitchen not being in particularly good nick! :-(

And, wouldn't you know it - nearly every joiner / builder / person in a position to help is busy at the moment... On other jobs.

Curses! :-(

I will get there yet though!! :-)

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oh dear

Postby cataclyzm » Sat May 15, 2004 10:00 am

I do hope your house gets sold, because I haven't been able to sleep for worrying about it. Never mind...I'm sure you'll make a big fat profit and develop lots of Kudos by showing your nice "friends" around your new abode.

More power to what society likes to define as: the scroungers! at least they don't pay tax to murderous regimes of child killers and racists in Westminster, or pay for the lunches of the fat bloated parasites in the Scottish Parliament(Guffaw! and Vomit!).

I hope you made financial bonuses in the spiritual heart of Glasgow you soulless and dehumanised numbskull.

ps. I don't want a fucking latte or espresso!
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Postby cataclyzm » Sat May 15, 2004 10:02 am

I really do think that all your ideas about "homeless" and beggars, border on the fascistic and down right ignorant. I really expected more from this website, I guess you guys only care about "abandoned" buildings, but people can go and fuck themselves apparently. How did you all get so heartless?
I really hope you don't reflect Glasgow today, and I live in hope that someone will talk some sense and show a little human compassion.
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Re: oh dear

Postby evilmiss » Sat May 15, 2004 10:15 am

cataclyzm wrote:
More power to what society likes to define as: the scroungers! at least they don't pay tax to murderous regimes of child killers and racists in Westminster, or pay for the lunches of the fat bloated parasites in the Scottish Parliament(Guffaw! and Vomit!).

'The scroungers' do pay tax, as all benefit is taxable.

As for this thread, you must look on ot with a sense of humour. The homeless problem in Glasgow is getting to a stage where it is unbearable. Being approached by charity workers constantly is making me use the automatic response of 'no thanks, I'm in a hurry' and Gouranga prats, they can be happy: just not at every corner we turn.

A little humour didn't harm anyone, and if we didn't laugh, we would most certainly cry. :)
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Postby Sharon » Sat May 15, 2004 11:01 am

So tell us cataclysm...what is it you do that makes you feel able to judge everyone so harshly???

and bear in mind much of whats posted here is done, as Miss Evillmiss says, with humour.
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Postby cataclyzm » Sat May 15, 2004 11:04 am

I can laugh with the best of them, but do you know what? I don't take pleasure in taking pot shots at the vulnerable and rejected of society. However deserving of their scorn other people might consider them to be.
There is a lot to be said for Christian values, but of course its so unfashionable to consider your fellow human being these days, most people get sexually aroused at the layout or value of their "cribs" and judge one another on what they have materially, rather than the people they are.
To me: this is "true" impoverishment...
When did money and property become more important than human beings? oh that's right....it always has been. More and more i'm convinced that the world would be like the place that the "event horizon" visited, without the intervention of Christ. Incidentally: I don't "believe" in religion, but I do believe in love and faith, before the rationalists come after me.
Yeh the rationalists are great, they brought us Vietnam; Nagasaki; Hiroshima and the imminent destruction of the world in the 60's - their "religion" brought us chernobyl, increasing cancer and pollution. Well done the scientists!

ps. I apologise to the guy with the flat in the Cathedral square....I was way out of line, and I don't know you, so excuse my momentary ignorance, the world is very frustrating and you got hit in my crossfire. Sorry.
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Postby Sharon » Sat May 15, 2004 11:09 am

well religion gave us genocide...and what do you know...it still is.

you didnt answer my question though, you seem to feel you are walking on some kind of higher moral plain that everyone else, basing you judgement on a few throw away comments made in humour.

What I want to know is what do you do that makes you better???
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Postby cataclyzm » Sat May 15, 2004 11:14 am

I've always stuck up for the under dog in this life, because I've experienced a lot of things that often make people homeless and vulnerable. So: yes, I am passionate about this subject, but that only makes me human.

People in my own family have suffered from mental illness, and I know how vulnerable and alone it can make people. I know how vastly the world misunderstands and "judges" a genuine clinical disease and can't disassociate the illness from the person's behaviour. So yes, the postings by people about "beggars" and their "behaviours" did hurt, because I know I could have been there and some wonderful and kind people in my own family history were made homeless, and there are times when I've only had the help of others to see me through life. I've seen how society condemns wonderful human beings, simply because of their ill health and the things they say and do, when they are rejected by the people who supposedly should "love" them.

So you see, I can't look at all this "homelessness" through the same amusing perspective as the people who have gibbly commented on those who ask for money. There is always more than meets the eye, in terms of people's behaviour.
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Postby cataclyzm » Sat May 15, 2004 11:16 am

I would agree with you about religion. But love and the existence of a higher power in the universe, can be completely separate from the man made concepts and "ideals" of religion.
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