Copland Court, Ibrox.

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Re: Copland Court, Ibrox.

Postby cell » Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:38 pm


I've seen the workers standing down at the gates, they're quite easy to spot.

Yeah, they are the ones handing out the free drink
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Re: Copland Court, Ibrox.

Postby galoot » Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:25 pm

big/davie wrote:i can't stand the gha as in my oppinion they are the ones who who made the place like it is,by using the flats as a quick fix,through moving junkies,alkies,refugees and people released from prison into them,along with the polish,what was once a great place to live has now turned into a world of paranoia for me and other decent like minded people

Isn't grouping asylum seekers and eastern Europeans in with smackheads and criminals somewhat...well...racist?
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Re: Copland Court, Ibrox.

Postby big/davie » Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:05 am

galoot wrote:Isn't grouping asylum seekers and eastern Europeans in with smackheads and criminals somewhat...well...racist?
so why would it be racist :?:it's my oppinion,so calm your frillies and put your big offended race card away :roll: myself and others have had problems with the assylum seekers,even to the extent that two of them were trying to entice a young girl into there house,another exposed himself in the lift to another girl(you see how the word paranoia fits in),the polish have a habit here of taking up nearly every car parking space with vans and constantly do moonlights from there houses,council then has to force entry to the houses to change the locks,they also like there bevvy and being sick in the landings,not nice when you have to walk past it.
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Racism 101

Postby red_kola » Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:15 pm

The bit which makes it racist is you describing incidents which involve single individuals and using them to label an entire community as being likely to behave in that way.

It's not very hard to understand...
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Re: Racism 101

Postby big/davie » Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:39 pm

red_kola wrote:The bit which makes it racist is you describing incidents which involve single individuals and using them to label an entire community as being likely to behave in that way.

It's not very hard to understand...
Listen my friend,i'v had my fill with were i live, but where did i state they were all like that or all likely to behave like that :?: :?: climb off your high horse :roll: do you actually know the background of all the people coming to this country apart from the usual " fleeing for my safety routine" granted there are genuine people that i have no doubt about,but fleeing for your life/safety in my eyes means going with the clothes you stand in and nothing else,so where do they get the cash to travel from,then when arriving here,do they all seem to have nice shiny new mobile phones,most of the ones round here have cars,mostly uninsured and total bangers,doesnt sound like someone who's destitute and fleeing with nothing,does it :?:

Would you also like to tell me why the gha turns a blind eye regards there sky dishes,when every other gha tennant is not allowed them here,i have been refused permission on two occasions,because it's a safety reason and an eyesore,so are the gha discriminating against me and others by refusing and allowing asylum seekers to have them :?: they also have fully furnished homes,something our own homeless citizens don't,they pay no bills,something i struggle to pay in the winter due to damp riddled flats with useless heating systems,but if your an asylum seeker no need to worry,just burn your 3 bars 24/7,or are you going to tell me it's because they come from a hot country and the goverment is obliged to keep them warm.

Sorry my friend but i'm a great believer in looking after your own people first like it or lump it,or at least an even playing field,but seemingly as our homeless are still homeless and it's getting colder and more cash needs to be thrown into the meter,my dampness is back along with the wind blowing through the ill fitting windows,it must be great being a non citizen of this once great country :wink:

P.s really wish i could find the dampness pictures i took,would maybe open your eyes when you look at what i live in compared to asylum seekers,also just to add,guy next door to me has lived there for 5yrs,no electric bills,no poll tax bills,doesn't need a tv licence apparently,perhaps you may now get an insight into why i'm so angry.
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Re: Copland Court, Ibrox.

Postby galoot » Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:01 pm

Sounds to me like you should claim asylum yerself... living in your BNP-inspired stereotype obviously isn't good for your well-being.
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Re: Racism 101

Postby penguinmonkey » Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:54 pm

big/davie wrote:
red_kola wrote:The bit which makes it racist is you describing incidents which involve single individuals and using them to label an entire community as being likely to behave in that way.

It's not very hard to understand...
Listen my friend,i'v had my fill with were i live, but where did i state they were all like that or all likely to behave like that :?: :?: climb off your high horse :roll: do you actually know the background of all the people coming to this country apart from the usual " fleeing for my safety routine" granted there are genuine people that i have no doubt about,but fleeing for your life/safety in my eyes means going with the clothes you stand in and nothing else,so where do they get the cash to travel from,then when arriving here,do they all seem to have nice shiny new mobile phones,most of the ones round here have cars,mostly uninsured and total bangers,doesnt sound like someone who's destitute and fleeing with nothing,does it :?:

Would you also like to tell me why the gha turns a blind eye regards there sky dishes,when every other gha tennant is not allowed them here,i have been refused permission on two occasions,because it's a safety reason and an eyesore,so are the gha discriminating against me and others by refusing and allowing asylum seekers to have them :?: they also have fully furnished homes,something our own homeless citizens don't,they pay no bills,something i struggle to pay in the winter due to damp riddled flats with useless heating systems,but if your an asylum seeker no need to worry,just burn your 3 bars 24/7,or are you going to tell me it's because they come from a hot country and the goverment is obliged to keep them warm.

Sorry my friend but i'm a great believer in looking after your own people first like it or lump it,or at least an even playing field,but seemingly as our homeless are still homeless and it's getting colder and more cash needs to be thrown into the meter,my dampness is back along with the wind blowing through the ill fitting windows,it must be great being a non citizen of this once great country :wink:

P.s really wish i could find the dampness pictures i took,would maybe open your eyes when you look at what i live in compared to asylum seekers,also just to add,guy next door to me has lived there for 5yrs,no electric bills,no poll tax bills,doesn't need a tv licence apparently,perhaps you may now get an insight into why i'm so angry.

I have been watching this topic with interest for a while, As I have lived in Ibrox and now live in Govanhill.
Davie As RK was pointing out your post seems to equate all asylum seekers and immigrants in general with alcoholics and Junkies. If I followed your example I would think that all Slovakians are clean, tidy and polite judging from the family across the hall from me, Which is complete crap as I know from experience that there are some bad apples. Although in general when I lived in Ibrox the majority of the problems seem to have been caused by locals. As to your comments on asylum seekers, You may complain about your housing but at least you are not in danger of being dragged off in the middle of the night and tortured for purely political reasons, which tend in general to be the situation where these people have fled from.

I don't know if you realise that true asylum seekers are forbidden to work at all by law, So they have no choice about either surviving on handouts or illegal work, whether they are willing to work or not.

Also to complain about foreigners and immigration while living in a country and a city in particular whose history is based on large numbers of immigrants seems rather hypocritical. I assume by "looking after my own" you mean those who speak the same language and look simmilar to you.

If you have a problem with immigration I suggest you sign up for a trip to the moon there should be plenty of lebensraum for those with your attitude up there and the rest of us humans can attempt to live in peace.
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Re: Copland Court, Ibrox.

Postby big/davie » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:18 am

galoot wrote:Sounds to me like you should claim asylum yerself... living in your BNP-inspired stereotype obviously isn't good for your well-being.
isn't good for my well being,neither is sleeping in a house riddled with dampness,while your neighbours reside in a nice wee comfy free heated home :roll: i only stated how i feel and now you think i have a tendency towards the bnp,get a grip of yourself ffs :roll:
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Re: Racism 101

Postby big/davie » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:58 am

penguinmonkey wrote:I have been watching this topic with interest for a while, As I have lived in Ibrox and now live in Govanhill.
Davie As RK was pointing out your post seems to equate all asylum seekers and immigrants in general with alcoholics and Junkies. If I followed your example I would think that all Slovakians are clean, tidy and polite judging from the family across the hall from me, Which is complete crap as I know from experience that there are some bad apples. Although in general when I lived in Ibrox the majority of the problems seem to have been caused by locals. As to your comments on asylum seekers, You may complain about your housing but at least you are not in danger of being dragged off in the middle of the night and tortured for purely political reasons, which tend in general to be the situation where these people have fled from.

I don't know if you realise that true asylum seekers are forbidden to work at all by law, So they have no choice about either surviving on handouts or illegal work, whether they are willing to work or not.

Also to complain about foreigners and immigration while living in a country and a city in particular whose history is based on large numbers of immigrants seems rather hypocritical. I assume by "looking after my own" you mean those who speak the same language and look simmilar to you.

If you have a problem with immigration I suggest you sign up for a trip to the moon there should be plenty of lebensraum for those with your attitude up there and the rest of us humans can attempt to live in peace.
The large numbers of imigrants you speak of are the irish i assume, who were all british citizens who lived in this country(uk)so do you think it's right then that people born in this country are treated indifferently from asylum seekers :?: do you think the homeless folk sitting in the pishing rain in the middle of a winter wonder what they have to do to get a roof over there heads, "looking after your own" your feeble attempt at trying to play the race card with me is pathetic and i'll say it again, where did i say they were all the same? you treat people as equels,if you don't then you get problems in the communities,notice you said you moved from Ibrox to Govanhill,superb moved from one shitehole to a bigger one ::): or maybe couldn't handle big bad ibrox and it's big bad people,thank fuck,one less arsehole in the area,hope your not offended by that btw :wink: trips to the moon are (pardon the pun)out my reach at present,but you could maybe pull yer heid oot yer arse and open your eyes,have fun :wink:
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Re: Racism 101

Postby galoot » Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:04 am

big/davie wrote: and i'll say it again, where did i say they were all the same?


big/davie wrote: the polish have a habit here of taking up nearly every car parking space with vans and constantly do moonlights from there houses,council then has to force entry to the houses to change the locks,they also like there bevvy and being sick in the landings,not nice when you have to walk past it.


big/davie wrote:so where do they get the cash to travel from,then when arriving here,do they all seem to have nice shiny new mobile phones,most of the ones round here have cars,mostly uninsured and total bangers

Having drafty windows and damp walls doesn't forgive your casual racism.
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Re: Copland Court, Ibrox.

Postby lynnski » Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:49 am

Roxburgh wrote:
lynnski wrote:
Roxburgh wrote:
lynnski wrote:Roxburgh, are you saying I have no right at all to be a bit apprehensive about this, or be fed up by the almost constant harrasment for money? Not at all? Wanna come spend a week here travelling to and from work??

Err ... which post of mine are you refering to here or are you just trying to pick a fight?

Most of the responses you've given to my concerns have been in the 'so you don't want them in your backyard' vein, which I've said on more than one occasion isn't true. No fighting needed or wanted here!

And which you have already responded to in previous posts .... so you are clearly just trying to pick a fight.

I have made that one bit of my post bold just to ensure you have seen it, I have stated that is not what I'm after. Looks to me like you want to start one??
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Re: Copland Court, Ibrox.

Postby lynnski » Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:55 am

Big Davie, this post has nothing to do with asylums seekers or immigrants. You brought them into the conversation by lumping them in with alkies and junkies. I remember you going down the same route in the thread about the hostels at Queens Park, and that topic seemed to vanish so I assume it got deleted. I don't want this one deleted, it's been a fairly decent discussion so far, so please, keep your racist views for another topic, or preferably to yourself. :evil:

Excellent post there penguinmonkey. I'm struggling to imagine what a penguinmonkey must look like!!
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Re: Racism 101

Postby Doorstop » Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:57 am

penguinmonkey wrote:

Today I have learned something.

Nice contextual usage too. 8)
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Re: Racism 101

Postby big/davie » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:32 pm

galoot wrote:
big/davie wrote: and i'll say it again, where did i say they were all the same?


big/davie wrote: the polish have a habit here of taking up nearly every car parking space with vans and constantly do moonlights from there houses,council then has to force entry to the houses to change the locks,they also like there bevvy and being sick in the landings,not nice when you have to walk past it.


big/davie wrote:so where do they get the cash to travel from,then when arriving here,do they all seem to have nice shiny new mobile phones,most of the ones round here have cars,mostly uninsured and total bangers

Having drafty windows and damp walls doesn't forgive your casual racism.
my casual racism :?: Dear oh dear,it doesn't say " all the polish" it says "the ones here" i'm speakingt from experience not making it up,regards the asylum seekers you give me the impression you think i'm making this up ffs,so because i'm pissed of with what i see and angry the way people round here are treated differently,that makes me a racist :roll: your just another of the pc brigade,would you think more of me if i made everything up,lied and protested in the street? I tend to find i'm more comfortable in the company of people who are truthful and honest in there oppinions,seems it's not the case with you and your pc mob.
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Re: Copland Court, Ibrox.

Postby big/davie » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:53 pm

lynnski wrote:Big Davie, this post has nothing to do with asylums seekers or immigrants. You brought them into the conversation by lumping them in with alkies and junkies. I remember you going down the same route in the thread about the hostels at Queens Park, and that topic seemed to vanish so I assume it got deleted. I don't want this one deleted, it's been a fairly decent discussion so far, so please, keep your racist views for another topic, or preferably to yourself. :evil:

Blame yer pc mates for that,i only mentioned how i felt,we were talking about the general area of ibrox,fairly decent discussion? oh aye only when your having problems with folk asking you for money,standing in your close and people writing menchies,ffs your hard done to,if you don't like the area move out then,or come live in the multis and get your eyes opened up,feck maybe i should just tell the young team and the alkies i'll be handing out free booze outside the chippie every night ::):
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