Central Govan Masterplan

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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:16 am

Reference: 09/02688/DC Community Cnl: Govan East
Address: Govan Cross Drinking Fountain At Govan Road Glasgow
Proposal: Removal, restoration and reinstatement of fountain.
Date Received: 12.11.2009 Date Valid: 12.11.2009
Central Govan Action Plan
Agent Details:
Ward: Govan
Type: Listed Building Consent Level:
Case Officer: Ms S Connelly, 0141 287 6095
Listing: Cons Area: Govan
Map Reference: (E) 255459 (N) 665736

Reference: 09/02689/DC Community Cnl: Govan East
Address: Site At Govan Cross Shopping Centre/Govan Underground/Water Row/
Govan Road Glasgow
Proposal: Public realm improvements including resurfacing, landscaping and installation of street
furniture and use of ground as open air market for a temporary period.
Date Received: 13.11.2009 Date Valid: 19.11.2009
Central Govan Action Plan
Agent Details:
Ward: Govan
Type: Full Planning Permission Level: Local Development
Case Officer: Ms S Connelly, 0141 287 6095
Listing: Cons Area: Govan
Map Reference: (E) 255467 (N) 665783
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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:25 am

Item 1b (8 pages)

12 January 2010


DATE VALID 19.11.2009

Site At Govan Cross Shopping Centre/Govan Underground/Water Row/ Govan Road Glasgow

Public realm improvements including resurfacing, landscaping and installation of street
furniture and use of ground as open air market for a temporary period.

The application seeks full planning permission for public realm improvements including resurfacing, landscaping
and installation of street furniture and the use of ground as an open air market for a temporary period until such
times as the site at Water Row, adjoining the civic square, is developed. It has been indicated that a
complimentary lighting scheme will be developed and implemented at a later date.
The application site comprises four main areas of public realm within Govan Town Centre, including: the ‘civic
square’, in the ownership of the Council, and an area of adjoining vacant ground to the north in the ownership of
City Property (Glasgow) LLP; Water Row, also in Council ownership; the area of open space in front of the
underground station and associated with the bus terminus, in the ownership of SPT, and; the open space in
front of Govan Cross Shopping Centre which the Shopping Centre themselves own. The application site also
includes the footpaths directly associated with each of these areas as well as those in the immediate vicinity.
The public realm works incorporate a number of separate but related elements, including the resurfacing of hard
areas, using a combination of Caithness Stone and granite in keeping with the areas historic setting, the
installation of new stainless steel street furniture which will have a unified style and appearance and the
introduction of an area of soft landscaping within the square. As indicated above, it is also hoped to establish
the square as a multi-functional space by enabling the use of part of the space for a temporary market on
It should be noted that the railings around the disused public toilets are to be removed to facilitate the
improvements. The railings are unlisted and the toilets have been temporarily covered over. A permanent
solution involving the infilling of the toilets is currently being investigated. It is not proposed to reinstate the
railings in their original position following the works and instead they will be placed in storage for possible future
alternative use within Govan town centre.
The cost of the works is approximately £2million and will be jointly funded mainly by Glasgow City Council, the
Scottish Government and the Heritage Lottery.
The Central Govan Action Plan and Govan Townscape Heritage Teams responsible for the promotion and
delivery of the public realm improvements undertook a consultation exercise, engaging with people who live and
work in Govan. Over 500 surveys were issued to local residents, meetings were held with key organisations,
two public meetings took place and a study tour to Edinburgh looking at successful public spaces was also
organised. The results of the extensive consultation were subsequently fed back to the Design Team who have
attempted to incorporate the significant common themes into the overall design.
The exercise highlighted a number of principle issues and themes which people wished to be addressed
through the proposed improvements or incorporated into the overall scheme. The exercise produced ambitious
results which were summarised into a series of aims for the main areas which at times had competing
requirements. These were: enhanced views to the river; provision of an obvious route from the subway to the
proposed ferry; visual linking of the public spaces and the market area; enhanced profile and position of the
market, including the provision of a marquee, stalls and Christmas tree; provision of vandal proof seating and
incorporation of children’s play; increased green space; retention of the restored fountain; incorporation of
historical interpretation and artwork, and; lighting.
With regard to the proposed public realm works, it is sought to re-establish and define the function of the town
square as a meaningful and useable civic space which people of live and work in Govan can identify with and
relate to and to create a cohesive and identifiable town centre by establishing a clear visual relationship with the
adjacent public spaces on the opposite side of Govan Road.
This is achieved through the use of a limited palette of good quality surfacing materials throughout all areas.
The main paved surfaces will be constructed of Caithness stone and granite setts, walls and steps will be pale
grey granite and engraved panels for artwork are a finer grained grey granite which compliments the Caithness.
The design for the main square reflects the demands made of what will be a well used civic space and will
provide a setting for the listed church building, which is a significant feature in historical photographs of Govan
town square. It also reserves an area for a proposed marquee which will be erected on market days to provide
shelter to some of the market stalls and customers. Within this area, an interactive sundial has been
incorporated into the paving which allows the time to be read from the shadow of a person standing in the
centre. This will allow active use of this space whilst not required for the market.
The square will accommodate the restored fountain (subject of a separate application for listed building consent)
and a ground based labyrinth feature which provides the opportunity for engraved granite panels illustrating
local historical events and art work, the designs of which will be created through projects to be facilitated by
There will also be an area of soft landscaping which shall allow the retention of two existing trees and the
introduction of low level planting beds. The area directly to the north of the square, in the ownership of
City Property (Glasgow) LLP, will be re-surfaced with tarmac to allow its continued use by the market until such
times as the site is re-developed. The market will operate each Saturday between the hours of 9.00 am and
3.00 pm. The northern boundary of the square as it meets the temporary market area will be defined by a low
level wall.
The two other main public spaces will be treated in a similar manner to the square itself in terms of the palette of
materials and street furniture, however, the design of these areas will be much simpler and more regular than
that of the principal civic square, although it is intended to incorporate historical interpretation and artwork in
both areas. These details have not yet been finalised due to the very restricted timescales and can be dealt with
through the imposition of appropriate conditions.
With regard to Water Row, this ‘street’ has been highlighted as being extremely important, not only in terms of
its historical significance but also in relation to its future role in providing both a visual and a physical link to the
River Clyde and destinations beyond Govan. As such, it is intended to upgrade Water Row but not by replacing
the surface but instead by lifting and re-instating the existing setts to improve its condition. This will represent a
major step forward in re-establishing and strengthening the route from the town centre to the river front and
potential ferry terminal.
Surrounding footpaths associated with the public spaces and their immediate environs within the town centre
have been included in the application to provide a wider setting for these areas.
It should be noted that preventative measures, the topography of the site, technical requirements and the brief
itself have presented competing, and at times conflicting, issues that required resolution through careful design
and compromise.

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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:40 pm


Work to start on Govan’s £2m facelift


Published on 14 Jan 2010

Work will start within weeks on giving a historic area of Glasgow a £2 million facelift.

Planners have given the go-ahead to a scheme which will result in the revamp of the civic square, Water Row, an area of ground in front of the Subway station and land in front of Govan shopping centre.

The work will involve resurfacing pavements and other public areas with Caithness stone and granite and installing stainless steel street furniture.
Steve Inch, the city council’s executive director of development and regeneration, said it is also hoped the square will be used for a Saturday market.
Mr Inch said the aim of the scheme, announced yesterday, is to re-establish and define the function of the square as a meaningful and useable public space. He added: “The design reflects the demands made of what will be a well-used civic space and will provide a setting for the listed church which is a significant feature in historical photographs of Govan town square.
“It also reserves an area for a proposed marquee which will be erected on market days to provide shelter.”
Mr Inch said an interactive sundial where the shadow of a person can tell the time will also be incorporated.
The existing fountain will be restored and engraved granite panels illustrating historic local events and art work.
A number of public meetings were held to ask the people of Govan what they wanted to happen in the area and more than 500 survey forms were handed out.
Govan councillor Stephen Dornan said: “About £68m of housing is being built in the area and this new plan is the first step in the regeneration of Govan Cross.
“If you go into an area which looks rundown you don’t want to be there.
“All that will change in the next few years and Govan will feel like a good place to be.”
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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:13 am

Got this from the local press today, i'm glad they are gettin rid of the planter,it realy does make the place very congested, it will be good to get some seating and new ground surfaces in front the the centre.

Clyde Waterfront

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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby crazygray23 » Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:36 pm

if the planter goes where will the junkies let their weans and dugs run aboot now?
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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby minxy » Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:12 pm

crazygray23 wrote:if the planter goes where will the junkies let their weans and dugs run aboot now?

Yip, it's like the local park and toilet those planters, part of the community.
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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:14 am

Artist's impression of the Square in Govan after renovation.


The Square at Govan Cross will be transformed using natural stone paving, new lighting and street furniture, creating a space with a view of the Clyde and a venue for community events.
As part of the works at The Square, the Aitken Memorial Fountain will be fully restored and reinstalled and paving slabs will be engraved to reflect Govan’s long and fascinating history and promising future.
The three projects are being co-ordinated by the Central Govan Action Plan (CGAP) in consultation with the local people.
CGAP hopes a ‘friends of Govan Cross’ organisation will be established sometime in May. There will be an inaugural meeting at the Pearce Institute on May 12 at 6pm. Those wishing to attend are asked to call 440-2334 or e-mail [email protected].
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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Tue May 04, 2010 6:52 pm

An appreciation of your area

Deborah Anderson takes a tour in the Ibrox, Kingston, Greater Govan, Bellahouston, Craigton, Mosspark, Cardonald, Penilee, Crookston, Corkerhill and Pollok.

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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Tue May 11, 2010 10:35 pm

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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby motman » Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:38 pm

Mori wrote:http://www.gswra.co.uk


I see that the artists impression department is saving money in the software department by giving the work to the local kids (i.e. those who will have to live with the reality). Much prefer it this way.
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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:54 pm

Refurb work going on @ Govan cross. :D

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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:34 pm

Aitken memorial refurb. :D


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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:16 pm

local news glasgow

Fairfield is fair bloomin’


During Glasgow Fair 2010, young Govanites opened a new chapter in local history. They ceremoniously took off protective covers to reveal the refurbished windows of Fairfield Shipyard offices in Govan Road, which have been boarded up for nine years.
This completes the first phase of a £4.5m restoration project led by Govan Workspace Ltd. Said Pat Cassidy, Managing Director of Govan Workspace: ‘The young people have done a fantastic job. They’ve been out since early morning picking up litter and planting window boxes and tubs with flowers. This is an important day for this community. This historic space will become offices with the community heavily involved. This is a celebration of what Govan has achieved particularly through shipbuilding. And it is about time these achievements were celebrated.’
Already £3.6m has been found and the Fairfield development partners are confident the remaining £.9m can be secured to allow the second phase of the refurbishment to start by Christmas this year.
Added Pat: ‘We’ve been able to make the place wind proof and watertight. Now we need to finish the job to transform these historic offices into usable, quality, workspace.’
Part of the plan is to dedicate an area within Fairfield House to the history of shipbuilding.
Commented Tommy McMahon, secretary of the Govan Youth Information Project (GYIP) management committee: ‘ You could say the young people who had the job of taking off the window covers today, are the latest generation to be working at Fairfield offices!’ They were all part of the summer programme run by GYIP for several hundred local youngsters during the school holidays.
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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby Mori » Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:42 pm

For anyone that is interested in joining this group. :D

Dear All,

As you may be aware, an initial Friends of Govan Cross group meeting was held in early May to explain clearly to the community what is involved in the group and to gather specific interest in taking the group forward.

The works at the Cross are now well underway and Central Govan Action Plan is looking for people to get involved in the Friends of Govan Cross. This group will be focused on keeping things looking good and feeling safe at Govan Cross and helping to bring activity back into the area.

Everyone is welcome to come along to the next meeting held on Tuesday 24th August at 6pm in the Pearce Institute. This will provide an opportunity to feed back ideas from the last meeting about activities people would like the group to be involved in.

The meeting will also discuss the structure and membership of the group. So if you want to become involved in taking it forward we need you to come along to the meeting and encourage friends, neighbours and local businesses with an interest in Govan Cross to get involved as well.

We look forward to seeing you on the 24th and to you becoming involved in Friends of Govan Cross to help to ensure the ongoing success of the improved Cross area.

Regards, Danielle

Danielle Stirling on behalf of Fiona Burns
Business Support Officer

Central Govan Action Plan and Govan Cross Townscape Heritage Initiative
Orkney Street Enterprise Centre
18 Orkney Street
G51 2BX

0141 440 2334 (3120)

[email protected]
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Re: Central Govan Masterplan

Postby rabmania » Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:37 pm

Spotted near the cross today, would the Time team be interested...

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