Noisy neighbours

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Noisy neighbours

Postby lynnski » Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:00 am

Does anybody else have them? I've phoned the Noise Control 3 times tonight, but by the time my local chap phones back the music's off or has been turned down to a reasonable level. I cracked just after midnight and phoned the police, but I have no idea what happened, I think their chap at the door went unanswered. It's a couple of teenagers too, no idea where the feckin parents are!!

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Postby McShad » Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:12 am

I'm lucky enough not to have this problem.. but would be fair game if I did as I've got enough power in the living room to make it shake and would give them a fair run for their money :D

My downstairs neighbour accused me of playing music too loud day and night once... told everyone in the close! I wasnt even in.... and would never play Stealers Wheel at any volume
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Postby lynnski » Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:17 am

My boyfriend has an amp and a few guitars.....................but that would be sinking to their level! I'm off to try and sleep now.
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Postby Puro_pt » Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:57 am

have you ever seen that michael jackson clip, with macaulay culkin? The Song was "black or white"

That should solve the problem ;-)

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Postby glasgowken » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:51 am

My sympathes lynnski :( that would drive me round the bend.
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Postby Delmont St Xavier » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:06 am

Lynnski - we can fully appreciate and understand exactly what you are going through. We too phone Noise Pollution and like you by the time they come it is too late as it has either been turned down or off.

It's not so much the volume of the music, although some nights past 11 we can actually make out each and every lyric of what Kylie is singing. Our problem is more the Bass level and you don't actually hear Bass you feel it. The constant thump, thump, thump and this goes on for hours.

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Postby John » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:20 am

We are looking for a new house for this very reason. I will spare you the details.
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Postby zoidberg » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:31 am

You have my sympathies Lynnski, the guy upstairs plays The Clash - London Calling several times a day, every day and has been doing for years. :twisted: I can't stand hearing any songs off of it now and had to throw my copy out years ago. We've tried having a go at him, writing to the housing association time and time again but he still does it. Whenever I speak to him he stops for a few days and then it starts up again. The people below me have even complained to him, and about him. For whatever the reason though the housing association just write to us to tell us that he's been told and that if he starts again action will be taken. It never is though.

Phew, feels better getting that off my chest.
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If they are GHA tenants

Postby Dexter St. Clair » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:34 am

Neighbour Relations Policy Summary
The GHA tenancy agreement defines the following as anti-social
• Behaviour which is likely to cause alarm, distress, nuisance or
annoyance to any person or which causes damage to anyone’s
• Behaviour which constitutes harassment of a person, which
includes causing the person alarm or distress
• Behaviour which constitutes racial harassment or which results in
GHA or LHO committee members or staff being assaulted. Both of
which are regarded by GHA as being very serious
GHA aims to tackle anti-social behaviour through prevention, intervention,
enforcement and by supporting tenants and others who are victims.
Tenants should report incidences of anti-social behaviour to their LHO. An
LHO may request the NRT to deal with ASB on their behalf.
GHA uses the following measures to reduce the likelihood of anti-social
• Tenants are reminded at the sign up stage and in the Tenants
Handbook of their responsibility to be a good neighbour
• Tenants with a history of anti-social behaviour will only be offered a
short Scottish Secure Tenancy, but if this is satisfactory then a
Scottish Secure Tenancy will be granted
• Tenants who are good neighbours may access the benefits of the
Glasgow Gold incentive scheme
GHA will respond within the following time scales when tenants and
others complain about various types of anti-social behaviour.

If they are not GHA tenants you'd be better moving to the Merchant City where the Noise squad are on permanent patrol. Then again they're more interested in closing down pubs and clubs than facing up to care in the community Clash fans.
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Postby netclectic » Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:10 am

My next door neighbour had their hi-fi equipment confiscated by the police a couple of months ago after repeated complaints from the folks downstairs. One of the guys in the flat tried to stop the police woman as she was leaving with the hi-fi and she turned around and asked him in no uncertain terms if he really wanted to be up for assaulting a police officer as well :D

So the police will do something about it, eventually.
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Postby Puro_pt » Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:16 pm

netclectic wrote:My next door neighbour had their hi-fi equipment confiscated by the police a couple of months ago after repeated complaints from the folks downstairs. One of the guys in the flat tried to stop the police woman as she was leaving with the hi-fi and she turned around and asked him in no uncertain terms if he really wanted to be up for assaulting a police officer as well :D

So the police will do something about it, eventually.

It's just a question of discovering wich is the bothering factor of the police in that area...after 5 or 10 times they'll get bothered of being called and will do something

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Postby lynnski » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:09 pm

Well the police turned up within 20 minutes of my phone call, I think the downstairs folks just ignored them. I'm sticking to my guns, keeping a note of every time and date it happens, phoning the noise people straightaway if it does happen etc. But I'm getting ill, I'm getting a sore stomach on the way home from work, expecting to have the music on when I get home. Every wee noise has me muting the tv to see if it's them. I'm paranoid and stressed coz of those selfish bastards!!!
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Postby Chris H » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:07 pm

why not just give them a playlist of what you want to hear? :P
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Postby elgee » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:10 pm

Lynnski, I am so sorry you are going through this. I sympathise cos it happened to me a few years ago, before asbo`s etc. Our lives were a misery, my children were frightened to go out the front door in case "the bad people" were there. We had not just noise but parties and drunks lads sitting about the stairs waiting for the party to start. :roll:
The " party" could be any time of the day after lunchtime but could last until breakfast. Discussions and petitions with the wee witch`s landlord ended in zilch being done. Her landlord actually tried to make us feel guilty for ganging up on " a young woman who had known hardship, trying to find her way in life and settle in the community". :roll: The police were often called, They came - spoke to her, asked her to turn it down - she complied - they left - it started again. Some neighbours moved due to the carry on. One almost got jailed cos he banged her door and made threatening remarks, (at the end of his tether one night). Luckily the police saw sense that night when the rest of us piled out of our homes and remonstrated with them. They knew there was a major problem but could do nothing about it apparently. She eventually had a child (poor wee sowl) and so qualified for a larger flat and moved. Two years of torment we suffered. I was almost a basket case. I sincerely hope the new legislation will mean you nor anyone else will ever have to go through that.
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Postby AlanM » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:59 pm

Keep a diary of when the noise happens and any action you took, who you spoke to etc. once it gets past a certain stage they will take action.
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