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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:53 pm
by james73
glasgowgub wrote:I dont know if this is being delibarately forgotten, but the parade on Saturday wasnt a "Catholic" march but a commeration of the events of Bloody Sunday where 13 people (Catholic and Protestant) were killed by British soldiers. Any attempt to label this a Celtic vRangers, Tim V Billy scenario is demeaning in the least to the people who died.
I know for a fact there were protestant people on this parade who are also Irish Republicans, dont see what this has to do with Catholic schools.
Its political not sectarian. Its time people here realised that the Irish second and third generation living in the West of Scotland are entitled to their viewpoint., because they have issues involving their forefathers country doesnt make them bigots. The people who make that implication are the real bigots.

Nail on head.

James H

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:20 pm
by Caltonboy
thread hijackers the lot of ye :D

the point was to say a good word about the cops, they get enough criticism when the shit hits the fan.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:04 am
by onyirtodd
Caltonboy wrote:thread hijackers the lot of ye :D

the point was to say a good word about the cops, they get enough criticism when the shit hits the fan.

Sorry about that officer. Won't do it again. Honest :wink:

Ticket for the ball? Certainly. Raffle? Dance? No matter.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:12 pm
by hazy
onyirtodd wrote:
Caltonboy wrote:thread hijackers the lot of ye :D

the point was to say a good word about the cops, they get enough criticism when the shit hits the fan.

Sorry about that officer. Won't do it again. Honest :wink:

Ticket for the ball? Certainly. Raffle? Dance? No matter.

Would you like your helmet polished officer