GCC jobs & disabled applicants

Moderators: John, Sharon, Fossil, Lucky Poet, crusty_bint, Jazza, dazza

Postby Apollo » Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:41 pm

I rest my case with the above reply, and consider my belief that the holy grail of political correctness rendering reasoned discussion impossible proven by the above the above post.

Nowhere have I preached exclusion of candidates, for ANY reason, only a level playing field for all on basis of merit for a position. I didn't, and wouldn't allow some "undclared person's specifications" to modify that.

I am resting this thread, as it's getting silly, but a definition of "undclared person's specifications" might help us see what that phrase was meant to mean I meant :)
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Postby macca734 » Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:43 pm

Dexter St. Clair wrote:
The reason is that by discriminating positively towards any individual or group, by definition, you will be discriminating negatively against some other individual or group. It's an unavoidable consequence, but swept under the carpet so that the positive side can be worshipped as a success.

I thank you on behalf of the abled bodied white anglo saxon protestant males who are currently enjoying the benefit of real positive discrimination.

Every time you appoint someone there are negative consequences for the ones not appointed. If they are not appointed because of colour , sex, religion, sexual orientation, physical attributes, religion r any other irrelevant reason that's discrimination. That's not to say WAPS are never discrimated against. It can be difficult to get into certain jobs like childcare. Not impossible and once they do get in promotion seems to come more easy to them than to women of similar experience and qualifications.

What we are talking about here is given that they have they meet the minimum requirements disabled people get an interview.

Or, to put it another way;

"WASP's who can do a job and do it well, while the others, perhaps somewhat on the fringe because of their limited ability to prosecute a task, remain there."

I'm a WASP and have worked hard for every promotion and job I ever got and that includes the cleaners job I got at ASDA when I was a student and the trolley-dolly job at Safeway when I finished being a student and started looking for a full time job. Nothing has ever come easy to me professionally because I've been fighting this PC bullshit for most of my adult life. Women who openly tell you they should have got a promotion because they have worked there longer and that its blatant sexism when the truth clearly is that she's a fuckwit and didnt posess half the smarts required to be my assistant.

Or, my personal favourite;

"You only got that job because yer a proddy, ya durty orange basturt!!!"

No, I got the job because you have the IQ of a pot plant (which in deference to pot plants isnt really fair because they know to grow towards the light) and the guy who interviewed me was called Liam Patrick Daniel McCatholic.

This is all starting to sound like an excuse for someone being a lazy uneducated bastard with a bad case of BSE (Blame Someone Else). Tell them from me; stop being a fucking victim and make up the shortfall between where they are and where they want to be. If they dont make it first time, it isnt my fault.

This isnt a rant by the way. For those who are preparing to call it such; fuck off in advance.
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Postby crusty_bint » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:00 pm

Macca, telling folk to fuck off isn't going to get you anywhere. I actually agree with you in that a person should not be offered a job simply because of a disability or thier sex. What i do disagree with however is your relentless ranting tone spouting obscenities to everyone else thats trying to engage in this discussion. You should take a step back and read what you've been saying, or rather, how you've been saying it.

So in summary:

Get a grip mate, preferably of something other than your own cock
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Postby macca734 » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:08 pm

crusty_bint wrote:Macca, telling folk to fuck off isn't going to get you anywhere. I actually agree with you in that a person should not be offered a job simply because of a disability or thier sex. What i do disagree with however is your relentless ranting tone spouting obscenities to everyone else thats trying to engage in this discussion. You should take a step back and read what you've been saying, or rather, how you've been saying it.

So in summary:

Get a grip mate, preferably of something other than your own cock

A grip of what? PC victims claiming its everyone elses fault but theirs? I have been getting a grip on it and thats the problem. When you threaten to disagree with them they adopt a pack mentality and its "you're the one with the problem mate!"

Where were your warnings when some guy was calling me a sad loner or when some other guy was suggesting I strap myself to a condemned building? I seem to remember you having a go as well when I've proved that attacking the person for their views rather than the views themselves then you have no argument.

What ranting tone? I was replying to something some other guy said. If thats ranting, you shouldnt be a mod and should lock yourself in a cupboard with a cup of horlicks and the Peoples Friend. No ranting there, just nice tales of how a man was re-united with his long lost sheepdog after 150 years and nice adverts for knitting patterns.

If you want a certain type of poster here, then vet them. If you want open and frank discussion, stop interefering.

Obscenities? How old are you? You never heard a swearyword? Where I come from those arent obscenities, they're punctuation.

"Get a grip mate, preferably of something other than your own cock"

Again, how old are you? And you said cock, thats an obscenity.

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Postby crusty_bint » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:13 pm

Listen to yourself.

And that wasn't a warning mate, it was advice. And I am a member of Hidden Glasgow before I am a Moderator. I need no cupboards to lock myslef in, I'm more than secure enough in myself to handle diatribe from the likes of you.

And what age am I? What a question.
Last edited by crusty_bint on Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby macca734 » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:23 pm

crusty_bint wrote:Listen to yourself.

And that wasn't a warning mate, it was advice. And I am a member of Hidden Glasgow before I am a Moderator. I need no cupboards to lock myslef in, I'm more than secure enough in myself to handle diatribe from the likes of you.

And what age am I? What a question.

Ooooooh, glib disguised as haughty and clever.

I think I've finally figured out this thread. You may post in it as long as you agree with the majority.

Diatribe? Interesting how you can glean inflection from text. You probably think I'm pacing up and down the room muttering to myself. I'm sitting here eating a sandwich, listening to Armin van Buuren and actually enjoying this but its almost taking a liberty. Having a battle of wits with an unarmed lady almost makes me blush.

I'm asking how old you are because you alternate between derision, glibness and hypocrisy. From that I'd say about 12. I also love how you didnt reply to one single thing I said in my post above. Thats called a misdirect in case you were wondering.

So, what next? Are you going to tell me I smell or that my maws a cow?
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Postby crusty_bint » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:56 pm

yeah, I gathered you were and are enjoying this mate. Hence why i haven't taken you up on your jibes :D See... dead clever intit, just like u :D
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Postby macca734 » Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:05 pm

crusty_bint wrote:yeah, I gathered you were and are enjoying this mate. Hence why i haven't taken you up on your jibes :D See... dead clever intit, just like u :D

If I need strangers on a message board to tell me I'm clever then its probable that I'm not.

I'm enjoying a bit of banter and some lively discussion. You coming in to tell me off about using swearywords and trying to belittle me just makes you look superficial and trite. You think I'm the only one to notice you add nothing to the discussion but yet still try to get your wee neb in with something you think sounds snappy and cutting.

And...............you're a last word freak.
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Postby crusty_bint » Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:10 pm

Well if ya'll have an issue with the way i conduct myself I suggest you take it up with The Boss. If it's deemed Im out of order then I'll happily stand down as a moderator :D

I'm not the only one who has noticed you though, bear that in mind my little friend :wink:
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Postby MotoMad » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:03 pm

crusty_bint wrote: i.e. they're not a bawhair away from Dickensian!
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Postby macca734 » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:29 pm

crusty_bint wrote:Well if ya'll have an issue with the way i conduct myself I suggest you take it up with The Boss. If it's deemed Im out of order then I'll happily stand down as a moderator :D

I'm not the only one who has noticed you though, bear that in mind my little friend :wink:

Dont make veiled threats crusty. Say what you mean. Has someone "noticed" me. What could this possibly mean? That I'm ripe for a banning? A public admonishment? Maybe, oh no, a PM?!?!?

I wasnt suggesting you're out of order as a mod in general. Just on this thread. People suggest I do all sorts of things and that I am all sorts of things and you stay silent. You disagree with me and you're on about cocks and things while telling me to stop swearing.

A hypocrite is what you are, not to mention a poor debater (cue master debater jokes) who has taken what I've said out of context and personally. No doubt you'll completely refuse to answer anything I've said and instead reply again with something trite and unrelated.

Like I said before, 12 year olds construct a better argument.
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Postby macca734 » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:30 pm

MotoMad wrote:Image

They two are brilliant.

Up there with the americans in Possil sketch.

"That'll be £24.80........."
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Postby crusty_bint » Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:21 pm

Macca, I've never in my life told anyone not to swear. I meant "noticed" in the same sense you meant "notice". I've never had any time for veils. I don't disagree with the basis of your argument. I disagree with you post-point ranting. I don't take things personally (often) when debates get heated on internet forums. When I post as a moderator you can most assuredly tell from my tone. I learned the skill of picking up on tone from writings from an early age. An early age as in from my first book onwards.

At the end of the day I'm not bothered what you think of me and I'm sure you don't bother what I might think of you... and no-one else really cares either, so why don't we let this thread return to the subject matter.

I'll clear up this thread once you've had time to see this and know that it's not done out of spite, and you'll get the chance to hear my moderator voice :wink:

(anyone know how often these threads are happening now? Is it more frequent or am I just getting older? Plastic Del, were you not keeping a tally?)

oh, and hang the suppers ...ah'm payin for the banter
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Postby Socceroo » Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:23 pm

It seems to be any thread with GCC or Council in the title...funnily enough.
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Postby Roxburgh » Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:13 am

Personally, I think that Macca makes a number of good points and the counter argument - including the gas chamber jibe from Crusty - has been short on substance and long on insults. So you can hardly complain if he responds in kind.

It really isn't just about the disabled. Its about how you provide real equality of opportunity for all. An able bodied WASP has the same right to equal treatment as a one legged, coloured black gay catholic person.
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