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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:05 am
by catriona
Alex Glass wrote:2. At the same meeting a local Councillor raised the issue of the pigeon droppings under at least 3 bridges in and around the Pollokshaws area. Action will be taken to address this problem. It was explained that the department are looking at having a dedicated resource to tackle this type of problem. So hopefully we should see some action to address this problem.

Good! Then it's settled then...nappies for the pigeons. ..That is what you meant..right, Alex?
Otherwise, I'm calling PETA and Greenpeace and whoever else is in charge of protecting our wildlife :evil:


PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:53 am
by Alex Glass
::): ::): ::):

No regular clean up of the areas below the bridge. Although some would have gone for much stronger action that catching all pigeons and putting nappies on them.

May also try and get Network Rail to put netting on the underside of the bridges to prevent pigeons from roosting there. But that may prove to be an even loger shot.

::): ::): ::):

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:41 pm
by Dexter St. Clair
Alex Glass wrote:::): ::): ::):

No regular clean up of the areas below the bridge. Although some would have gone for much stronger action that catching all pigeons and putting nappies on them.

May also try and get Network Rail to put netting on the underside of the bridges to prevent pigeons from roosting there. But that may prove to be an even loger shot.

::): ::): ::):

I don't think I would have mentioned "shot" there. A bit too close to the mark.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:12 pm
by Alex Glass
I thought about that Dex :? :wink:

That would please some people who have described pigeons as rats with wings.

Honest! I wouldn't condone any such action and was only thankful that assurances were given to clear the mess made by pigeons :wink:

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:43 pm
by HollowHorn
Pidgins, far too many of the dirty wee baistirts, a major cull is in order, how did we get rid of the starling population, anyone remember?

Walking through the square the other day, I could'nt help but notice the amount of bird droppings on the heads & faces of the statues therein, bloody disgrace, what? Nappies are to good for the bustards (wee joke err) tarr 'em & feather 'em........emmmmmm [anurra wee joke err) mibbies no.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:06 pm
by Alex Glass
I noticed the statues too HH

You don't see as many people feeding them in the Square as you use to.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:07 pm
by elgee
Would a wee guy wi a power washer not dae the job ? Works here on outside our house, the car (actually squirrels, who dwell or play in wur trees, poo is worse) paving and the odd garden ornament .

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:07 pm
by elgee
Of course if we stopped encouraging all vermin and denied them access to free food, eg unfinished takeaways that are discarded and pollute our streets it would be better for us all.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:20 am
by dave2
Power washers are fine on concrete etc but can erode the stone and can damage the statues.. Something to do with the pressure of water. Using a cherrypicker they could however give the statues a good scrube very couple of months though.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:27 pm
by Alex Glass
dave2 wrote:Power washers are fine on concrete etc but can erode the stone and can damage the statues.. Something to do with the pressure of water. Using a cherrypicker they could however give the statues a good scrube very couple of months though.

They do!

But like litter sh--e keeps getting dropped.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:35 pm
by Schiehallion
FFS the pigeons have every right to live here too! It's their city as well. If we're going to leave a big lump of iron in the shape of some lightweight upper-crust English nobody then of course they're going to dump on them.

I wish as much resources were poured into Glasgow's real anti-social problem - people.

Leave the pigeons, seagulls, magpies and stuckies alone!!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:03 pm
by Alex Glass
Schiehallion wrote:FFS the pigeons have every right to live here too! It's their city as well. If we're going to leave a big lump of iron in the shape of some lightweight upper-crust English nobody then of course they're going to dump on them.

I wish as much resources were poured into Glasgow's real anti-social problem - people.

Leave the pigeons, seagulls, magpies and stuckies alone!!

I personally don't have a problem with pigeons, seagulls or any other form of wildlife. I have only been responding to some complaints made by others. I don't think I have suggested taking drastic measures to remove them and have tried to explain what action is or can be taken to clean up after them. More resources are committed to dealing with "Glasgow's real anti-social problem - people" and like I said previously one method is to clean up after people. This is not the only action taken. The Council has Enforcement Officers who attempt to deal with those who drop litter. However it would be better if people would just use the many bins throughout the city or utilise the other free services available for example - bulk uplift of large items. It should be remembered the Council don't drop litter - people do.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:28 pm
by Dexter St. Clair
Birds of any sort do not need feeding during summer months or our new globally warmed winters. As for humane treatment i do believe we could hunt pigeons with birds of prey. And of course shoot the survivors.

Tally ho

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:39 pm
by Schiehallion
Alex Glass wrote:I personally don't have a problem with pigeons, seagulls or any other form of wildlife. I have only been responding to some complaints made by others. I don't think I have suggested taking drastic measures to remove them and have tried to explain what action is or can be taken to clean up after them.

Good man.

Of course if we're really so concerned about excrement and urine which can't be picked up then maybe we should start shooting folk's dogs. :wink:


PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:17 pm
by Fossil
Fossil wrote:How do Alex long time reader first time caller:
Any chance the council could make a space on the road for these large bins that seem to be everywhere at the moment? If premises don’t have a back lane or yard they are on the pavement and quite frankly make any area look shite.

Could the council not find away to make these bins blend in. Maybe turn a couple of parking spaces over to them with a nice timber or iron frame?


Also I know the cleansing do a great job with those wee motorised street sweepers, any chance of an investment in a power washer for the vomit or splashes of soft drinks or pish that seem to stain those expensive flag stones etc.

A street wash for the city centre would be good:

check this link out -



That was first posted on Post by Fossil on 16 Jul 2006, 21:07

Now the Evening Times is running with it

I must point out that Alex did get this fixed. But other areas need a look at
