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Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:06 pm
by Alycidon

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:22 pm
by Buzby
Further to the Darnick Street tunnel picture - I've just seen there is an application (Planning) with GCC at the momewnt for the complete backfillung of the tunnel void, and the elimination of the cutting to restore ground level. The ouners/applicant is shown as British Rail (Residuals) Ltd - so it looks as though they are doing this to reclaim the land and then sell it on. The decision is expected at the February Planning meeting.

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:26 am
by adoniram
Bit off topic but i noticed a tunnel when out walking near Boden Boo nature reserve in Erskine.This looks like a barge tunnel and i know there used to be a mansion house down near the Old Erskine Ferry that was demolished in the early 70's
I will try and dig out the picture i took and upload it for others to see.
Must be something to do with the Blythswood Estate which was huge in the 1800's around Erskine and Bishopton.
Any help or information would be greatly appreciated

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:42 pm
by the researcher
my granny lived at shields road and remember one time when walking to the town saw a stone structure which is situated under the kingston bridge roughly opposite the daily record building
when i looked over it was an open space with rail lines and the stonework was soot covered.
i asked my dad about it and he said that steam trains travelled along there thats all i can remember though but it may be connected with the tunnels being discussed here
hope this info is of use
every little helps

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:09 pm
by the researcher
my mum lived on shields road during the war and she told me there was an air raid shelter in the playground of the school possibly underground?
dont know which playground it was in though whether it was the walace grove playground or the shields road playground
can anyone help?

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:01 pm
by ccoolc353
The tunnel on London Rd has been unearthed for a short period of time to allow strengthening works for the new Eastend Regeneration Route. The old ventilation shaft and supports that held London Rd have been removed to allow concrete supports to be built... pics taken April 2011






What was the ventilation shaft

Looking towards Bridgeton

Supports and ventilation shaft gone showing the gap between both portals

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:50 pm
by Vinegar Tom
Great stuff ccoolc353 , it would be smashing to see more if you get the opportunity :)

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:55 am
by purplepantman
Vinegar Tom wrote:Great stuff ccoolc353 , it would be smashing to see more if you get the opportunity :)

What he said^^. Brilliant!!

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:02 am
by Doorstop
Aye, excellent stuff. Very, very interesting indeed. Please do post more, if and when you get them. 8)

London Rd Tunnel works

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 7:15 pm
by ccoolc353
More pics from the works on London Rd:-

Shaft for the Camlachie overflow

Sewerage culvert to the north of the railway tunnel flowing east/west

Looking down London Rd




Crane in place to lift concrete supports in place








Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:17 pm
by escotregen
I was posting this topic elsewhere when I remembered this thread back in Hidden Glasgow. It’s not quite really ‘tunnels’ but it is something of the sort.

I was at today’s presentation on the Red Road demolition programme at the GHA Academy (really first class facility by the way). I discovered that under the Red Road flats there was/is a whacking great 1.000 seater bingo hall. From what I saw, it’s now in a long-abandoned and severely dilapidated state.

Nevertheless it’s also very apparent how much of its time it was; all railway carriage, cushioned, four four-by-four seat arrangements in patterned corporate blue and light blue steel; old Skol lager fonts visible etc.

Seems that it ‘wis the damp an rain watter’ that did for it. In one of the films footage a wee wummin described how you could smell the damp and sometimes the rainwater dripped on the tables. Another described the Tardis effect of being bussed in (bussed in – it was that big) to the small concrete entrance and walking in a hug ‘glittering’ palace.

SAFEDEM demolition experts found quite a challenge in-that the steel and steel structure are unique to the Red Road scheme. They found a gauge, and a variety of gauges, of steel that they had not come across before anywhere in the world – neither metric nor imperial! They traced the origins of the steel to the old Dalziel Works. That did bring home to me how Scotland no longer has the steel production capacity to meet the needs of even a single scheme like this one (and compare that to what’s going elsewhere on in a single city the likes of Shanghai today).

Seems that outside of the old USSR, the Red Road structures were the only such residential development with purely asbestos external cladding (why does that sound appropriate for the old Glasgow Corporation?).

Aside of the many technical construction matters, there was a quite superb presentation on GHA and Glasgow Life’s ‘Red Road Cultural Project’. I could go on and on. But instead, I recommend that you visit the various relevant websites like [url]this[/url] or [url]this[/url]

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:17 pm
by GaelForce
I was speaking to wife's Gran recently RE: the old GPO building in George Square and she said happened to mention there was a tunnel there they used to walk WW2 time that surfaced around Cambuslang. Don't know if that fits with the tunnel exposed near the London Rd or not.
On a separate note, her Grandad (a lifelong Ruglonian) said there was a tunnel from the Rutherglen Central Parish Church (i think that's its name, the one with Dr Gorman outside) to the Stonelaw woods.


Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:32 pm
by hongchongphooey
In response to the Rutherglen Church Tunnel I heard off people (including my gran who is a lifelong Ruglonian) that there was a tunnel going from there to the Clyde and legend has it Mary Queen of Scots used it before to escape capture once.

I dunno how true that part is but i'm pretty certain that under the cemetary there is a tunnel as i've heard it from various sources, would love to know if anyone knew anything more about this.

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:36 pm
by Dexter St. Clair
What was the day to day purpose of the tunnel?

Re: tunnels

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:17 pm
by mrsam
Botanic Gardens Station is at the mo locked securely but it is locked with a Combination lock.

Loving the remains of a pair of loppers that been mangled losing in a fight with the beefy security fence / gate thing